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股神巴菲特的十大致富秘籍 揭秘成功真諦

發佈時間:2010年08月04日 10:36 | 進入復興論壇 | 來源:新華網

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  Today I had lunch at Jimmy John's and noticed a sign on the wall that showed Warren Buffet's list of 10 Rules. I was so moved by it that I had to change tables in the middle of my sandwich just to get a closer look. Is it any wonder that he is one of the richest men in the world?


    1. Reinvest your profits. 把你現有的財富做再投資

  "Even a small sum can turn into great wealth," Schroeder writes, if you're disciplined to not touch your profits. Let the power of compound interest work for you.

  就像史諾德寫到過的那樣:“再小的資金也能變成大財富”——只要你管好自己不亂花賺來的錢。要讓複利(compound interest)幫你賺錢。


  指利息計算的基礎是本金加先前累積的利息,與單利相對,後者指利息只以初始本金為計算基礎。“按年複利”(compounding annually)是指當年利息只在一年結束時一次性納入下一年的計息基礎。例如,如果存入100英鎊,年利率為10%,那麼一年後可獲得110英鎊。如果按單利方式計算,兩年後可獲得120英鎊,三年後則是130英鎊,而複利計算則將上年的利息亦納入計息基礎,即兩年後可得121英鎊,三年後則是 133.10英鎊。相對於單利方式,三年後額外的3.10英鎊利息即是複利作用的結果。

  2. Be willing to be different. 要願意與眾不同。

  Don't follow the herd. Do what is best for you and your situation.


  3. Never suck your thumb. 永遠都別吮手指。

  Ah, how I could learn from this one. Buffett makes decisions quickly based on the available information. I tend to sit and stew about things. Acting decisively can give you an advantage and prevent procrastination.


  4. Spell out the deal before you start. 在做交易以前一定要搞明白了。

  I stress this all the time: Don't sign a contract unless you've read it (especially not a mortgage). Read the fine print. Understand the what you're getting yourself into.
