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Speech by H.E. Wang Chen

Special Envoy of Chinese Government and
Minister of State Council Information Office
People‘s Republic of China

At Reception of 60th
Anniversary of China-Pakistan
Diplomatic Relations

Islamabad June 8, 2011

  Your Excellency President Asif Ali Zardari,
Your Excellency Prime Minister Syed Yusuf Raza Gilani,
Ladies and Gentlemen,
Dear Friends,


  On the occasion of the 60th Anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between the People‘s Republic of China and the Islamic Republic of Pakistan, it is a great honor for me to visit Pakistan and attend the reception hosted by His Excellency President Asif Ali Zardari as the Special Envoy of the Chinese government. Let me begin by extending, on behalf of the Chinese government and people, warm greetings and best wishes to the Pakistani government and the brotherly Pakistani people. I would also like to express sincere appreciation and pay high tribute to friends from various sectors who have long been committed to the China-Pakistan friendship.
China and Pakistan are good neighbours connected by mountains and rivers. Our peoples have a long history of friendly exchanges. As early as 2000 years ago, the Silk Road served as a bridge of friendship between the two ancient civilizations. Zhang Qian, an envoy in the Chinese Han Dynasty, Faxian, an eminent monk in the Jin Dynasty and Xuanzang, an eminent monk in the Tang Dynasty had visited this fascinating land. They and the local residents lived in harmony and learned from each other. These are the much-told historical episodes in the courses of China-Pakistan friendly exchanges.
China and Pakistan are good friends with mutual trust. Since the establishment of diplomatic relations, the two countries have been committed to the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence, stayed out of each other‘s internal affairs and enjoyed mutual support in international affairs. All Pakistani governments have given China firm support on Taiwan, and Tibet and Xinjiang related issues, which concern China‘s core interests. China has all along supported Pakistan in its efforts to safeguard independence, sovereignty and territorial integrity, and to advance economic and social development. The all-weather friendship between China and Pakistan has stood the test of time and changes in the international environment, and has become an exemplary model of friendly relations between countries with different social systems and cultures.
China and Pakistan are good Partners for mutual benefit. The two countries have conducted all dimensional cooperation on the basis of equality and mutual benefit. We have worked together to build a number of landmark projects, including the Karakorum Highway. These projects have played a big role in improving the local people‘s livelihood and driving economic development in both countries. Trade between China and Pakistan has developed steadily. China has become Pakistan‘s second largest trading partner. More than 200 Chinese enterprises involving over 13,000 engineers and technicians are now playing their part in the development of various sectors in Pakistan. Our cooperation has extended from infrastructure, energy and agriculture to a higher level of science and technology, finance and aerospace. The China-Pakistan friendship and cooperation has not only brought tangible benefits to peoples of the two countries, but also made positive contributions to solidarity and progress of Asian countries and developing countries as a whole.
China and Pakistan are good brothers sharing weal and woe. The Chinese people will never forget the valuable help from Pakistan, at those key moments when the New China sought to break the external blockade, restore its lawful seat at the United Nations and normalize relations with the United States. The two governments and peoples have always stood firm side by side along the path of promoting economic and social development and at the pressing moments of natural disasters. Our friendship, which is deeper than the Arabian Sea, higher than the Himalaya Mountains and sweeter than honey, has taken deep root in the hearts of our people. It has become our valuable treasury and should be dearly cherished.

  Ladies and Gentlemen,

  Dear Friends,
Pakistan is a country with a time-honored history and splendid civilization. Over the past more than 60 years since the Islamic Republic of Pakistan was established, the hard-working and courageous Pakistani people have overcome various difficulties and challenges, firmly safeguarded state independence, sovereignty and territorial integrity, made hard efforts in nation building, economic development and improvement of lives.
Pakistan has played an active role in international and regional affairs, and scored remarkable achievements in all its endeavors. Today, Pakistan has become a country with a population of nearly 200 million and important influence in the region and the Islamic world. As a country at the forefront of the anti-terrorism campaign, Pakistan has made important contributions to combating terrorism and promoting peace, stability and development in the region and the world. We are proud to have such a great and genuine friend like Pakistan.
Pakistan now faces some temporary difficulties and challenges on its way ahead. Yet we have every confidence that no difficulty will stop the Pakistani people from forging ahead. The Chinese government and people will always stand firmly on your side.

  Ladies and Gentlemen,

  Dear Friends,
At this moment, I can not help but recall the remark by late Chinese Premier Zhou Enlai. He said, "The people of China and Pakistan must live together in friendship, which shall grow with each passing day." A longstanding China-Pakistan friendship is not only the will of our older generations of leaders, but also our common strategic choice. At a time when the international and regional situations are experiencing complex and profound changes, to cement and advance the all-weather strategic partnership of cooperation between China and Pakistan serves the fundamental interests of both countries and peoples, and contributes to peace, stability and development of the region and beyond.
The Chinese government attaches great importance to the relationship with Pakistan. The Chinese people cherish deeply the friendship with the Pakistani people. We are fully confident in the good prospects of China-Pakistan friendship. As the founding father of Pakistan, Quaid-i-Azam said, "If you well work in cooperation, your are bound to success." The Chinese side is ready to make joint efforts with the Pakistani side to seize the opportunity of the 60th anniversary of our diplomatic relations, promote the traditional friendship, deepen all-round cooperation, strengthen strategic coordination and cooperation, and make positive contribution to the well-being of the two peoples and to peace and development of the region and beyond. Let us work hand in hand for a brighter future of China-Pakistan relations.
May China-Pakistan friendship last forever and be passed on from generation to generation.

  Chin-Pak dosti zindabad!


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