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[雙語]巴菲特公開信認錯 股神誤判樓市錯得離譜

發佈時間:2012年03月01日 16:21 | 進入復興論壇 | 來源:國際在線 | 手機看視頻

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  Billionaire investor Warren Buffett said Saturday that he was"dead wrong" with a prediction that the U.S. housing market would begin to recover by now, but he remains optimistic about the nation's economy.

  股神巴菲特週六在致伯克希爾 哈撒韋公司股東的公開信中認錯,表示自己在去年對美國房地産市場的復蘇判斷“錯得離譜”。但他表示還是對美國的經濟持樂觀態度。

  In his annual letter to Berkshire Hathaway shareholders, Buffett said he is sure housing will recover eventually and help bring down the nation's unemployment rate. But he did not predict when that will happen.

  在致伯克希爾 哈撒韋公司股東的年度報告中,巴菲特表示他相信房地産最終會復蘇,並降低美國的失業率。但他沒有預測樓市復蘇將在何時出現。

  Buffett said housing "remains in a depression of its own," but he predicted, in typical plainspoken style, that the housing market will come back because some human factors can't be denied forever.


  The housing prediction proved painful for Berkshire Hathaway. It owns more than 80 subsidiaries, including the Geico insurance company and See's Candy, and five of them depend on construction activity.

  巴菲特去年的樓市誤判讓伯克希爾 哈撒韋公司很受傷,該公司擁有超過80家子公司,其中包括政府僱員保險公司和喜詩糖果公司。旗下有五家公司主要經營建築業務。

  Those businesses, which include Acme Brick, Clayton Homes and Shaw carpet, generated pre-tax profits of $513 million last year. That's well off the $1.8 billion those companies added to Berkshire in 2006.


  Berkshire's insurance companies took $1.7 billion in catastrophe losses last year, including from the earthquake and tsunami in Japan. Berkshire reported only $154 million in underwriting profit, down from $1.3 billion the previous year.


  Buffett reassured Berkshire shareholders that the company has someone in mind to replace him eventually, but did not name the successor. He emphasized that he has no plans to leave.



  • 巴菲特
  • 樓市
  • 股神
  • 誤判
  • the
  • Buffett
  • housing
  • 伯克希爾
  • 雙語
  • 哈撒韋