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發佈時間:2010年08月05日 15:59 | 進入復興論壇 | 來源:《對話》10週年

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    在中國的世界五百強企業很多,但是在這些世界五百強企業中,能夠從中國區總裁直升全球CEO的人,只有他一個。就像在中國任大使的國、外使節很多,只有老布什做了總統。 他還有一個中文名字,雷富禮。為什麼他會有這麼大的跳躍和成就?答案在在中國。信心來自中國,信任來自中國。

    He is the only president of China region in the top 500 companies directly rose to the position of global CEO.And this leap is fully due to the confidence to China deuelopment%



    President of PG in CG and Board Chairman and CEO of PG



    “I feel that relationship between GP and china is a 20 years marriage.So we chose china as present for the 20 years anniversary of GP.”

    “You should keep investing as dong as you have confidence to the weconomic environment in spite of the timing.”