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發佈時間:2012年08月09日 16:21 | 進入復興論壇 | 來源:國際在線 | 手機看視頻

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  YOUNGSTERS enter the office of Inspiring Interns through what looks like a wardrobe door. The reference to C.S. Lewis’s “The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe” is deliberate: the company wants them to feel transported into a magical new world where they might actually find a job.


  With unemployment rife throughout the rich world, more and more young people are seeking internships. Many firms, nervous about the future, are reluctant to hire permanent staff until they have tested them. Intern-recruitment agencies are popping up to help. Inspiring Interns, a Londonfirm, boasts that it can provide competent interns within three days. It processes 300 applicants a day, and claims that 65% of the interns it has placed have been hired.


  Many intern candidates have no previous job experience and only a vague notion of what work involves. Inspiring Interns screens them with personality tests, coaches them on interview technique and urges them to make a video-clipcurriculum vitae. Many internships are unpaid; the firm charges employers ?500 ($779) a month for each intern plus 10% of the starting salary if an intern is hired permanently. Ben Rosen, who founded Inspiring Interns with?20, 000, says it grossed around ?1m last year.


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  • Interns
  • 實習生激勵
  • Inspiring
  • 雙語
  • wardrobe
  • hired
  • internships
  • them
  • Witch
  • 性格測試