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[雙語]卡梅倫看啥啥輸 被罵奧運掃帚星

發佈時間:2012年08月03日 09:20 | 進入復興論壇 | 來源:國際在線 | 手機看視頻

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  When Bradley Wiggins goes for gold tomorrow afternoon in the men's cycling time trial the Tour de France champion could be forgiven for checking the crowd nervously for the face of the prime minister, who is starting to get a reputation as a bit of a jinx.

  So far both Wiggins' cycling colleague Mark Cavendish and Olympic poster boy Tom Daley have been denied medals by what has been dubbed the "Curse of Cameron".

  The prime minister was present at the trackside when Cavendish failed to win Team GB's first Gold of the Games as expected.

  And he was in the stands when Daley and his partner Peter Waterfield came an agonising fourth in the synchronized diving.

  The curse is not restricted to the Olympics. A few weeks ago Cameron was at Wimbledon to see Andy Murray let slip a lead against Roger Federer in the tennis.

  Fortunately for Britain's male gymnasts however the prime minister stayed away from the North Greenwich Arena last night where they won the country's first medal in the event for 100 years.

  Although suspicions were raised that Cameron had peeked his head round the door after the team's medal was downgraded from silver to bronze.

  Nerves may also be frayed in the Team GB beach volleyball camp, as the event is taking place in Horse Guards Parade next door to Cameron's Downing Street home.

  Yesterday, when asked, No.10 admitted that Cameron probably"had a peek" at the event.

  The British hopefuls must be crossing their fingers that the curtains are drawn during their matches.

  如果環法自行車賽冠軍布拉德利 威金斯在爭奪男子公路自行車個人計時賽的賽場上,緊張地環顧人群,看首相卡梅倫有沒有來觀戰,那我們一定要原諒他,因為卡梅倫首相已開始被譽為奧運會掃帚星。

  截至目前,威金斯的隊友馬克 卡文迪什和奧運明星湯姆 戴利也因為“卡梅倫詛咒”沒能摘得獎牌。


  戴利和搭檔彼得 沃特菲爾德在雙人跳水比賽中屈居第四,當時卡梅倫也在一旁觀戰。








  • Federer
  • 奧運明星
  • 個人計時賽
  • 雙語
  • 比賽
  • 溫布爾登
  • 卡梅倫詛咒
  • 英國隊
  • Team
  • Curse