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發佈時間:2012年06月27日 17:37 | 進入復興論壇 | 來源:滬江英語 | 手機看視頻

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  Brazil will offer inmates in its crowded federal penitentiary system a novel way to shorten their sentences: four days less for every book they read.

  Inmates in four federal prisons holding some of Brazil's most notorious criminals will be able to read up to 12 works of literature, philosophy, science or classics to trim a maximum 48 days off their sentence each year, the government announced.

  Prisoners will have up to four weeks to read each book and write an essay which must "make correct use of paragraphs, be free of corrections, use margins and legible joined-up writing," said the notice published on Monday in the official gazette.

  A special panel will decide which inmates are eligible to participate in the program dubbed "Redemption through Reading".

  "A person can leave prison more enlightened and with a enlarged vision of the world," said Sao Paulo lawyer Andre Kehdi, who heads a book donation project for prisons. "Without doubt they will leave a better person," he said.




  一個特別委員會將決定哪些囚犯具備參加這一名為“通過閱讀救贖”計劃的資格。向巴西監獄捐書的聖保羅律師安德烈 科赫迪説:“一個人可以帶着更卓絕的見識、更寬廣的視野離開監獄。無疑,他們將變成更好的人。”



  • 減刑
  • 巴西
  • inmates
  • trim
  • 雙語
  • read
  • will
  • prisons
  • their
  • book