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  Anne Hathaway graces the cover of Allure‘s July issue, on newsstands June 26.

  Here’s what the 29-year-old actress had to share:

  On her The Dark Knight Rises costume: “The Catwoman suit. It was a psychological terrorist … the suit, thoughts of my suit, changing my life so I would fit into that suit … it dominated my year. I went into the gym for ten months and didn’t come out.”

  On losing weight for her role as Fantine in Les Miserables:“I’m doing some crazy weight stuff right now. I’m on day six of detox … this diet makes me break out, so I love that. Nothing like living on hummus and radishes and then be all, ‘And I got a pimple. Yeah!’”

  On nudity in acting: “I’m as vain as the next girl, but I think it’s my job to show people as they live, and nudity is part of life.”

  On being a vegan: “Cheese is amazing [but] once you’re over the cheese hump, there’s nothing really left.”

  美國甜姐安妮 海瑟薇(Anne Hathaway)今日登上《Allure》雜誌。在為該雜誌拍攝的大片中,安妮還是一頭浪漫的長髮配以精緻的粧容大顯優雅迷人的美艷魅力!在雜誌的採訪中,安妮回答了關於她近期幾部電影作品的問題。比如《蝙蝠俠之黑暗騎士崛起》中貓女的形象、在《悲慘世界》中減去長髮的突破行為以及為電影減肥的經歷。大家還記得《愛情與靈藥》中她大膽的裸露鏡頭!這麼多年來,安妮 海瑟薇漸漸擺脫公主的形象,漸漸成長為一個獨立的演技派女演員,她為此付出的努力可見一斑。


  • 海瑟薇
  • allure
  • 安妮
  • Hathaway
  • 雙語
  • suit
  • my
  • 悲慘世界
  • Dark
  • graces