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  An imaginative office firm have tried to lift the mood of their workers - by installing the world's first lickable elevator in their building.


  The edible lift inside the offices of communications firm Engine has been lined with 1,325 Jaffa Cakes, with staff bizarrely encouraged to lick the walls for an orangey mood boost.

  他們在這個電梯內側綴上了1325個Jaffa Cake餅乾,並鼓勵員工去“舔”墻壁上的餅乾以提升士氣。

  Food technicians and artists took a month to install the unique walls inside the lift, although it seems not much thought was given to hygiene prior to the stunt.


  Lick a little: Office workers try out the unique flavour-filled lift lined with orangey cake treats

  A male member of staff gets a chocolately mood boost thanks to the unique elevator experience

  McVitie's Jaffa Cakes said they took inspiration from the glass elevator in Charlie and the Chocolate Factory when making the lift.

  Whether staff are keen to taste already-licked Jaffa Cakes(assuming they don't go stale) remains to be seen.


  McVitie’s Jaffa Cakes chief Philippa Tilley said: 'We are all about bringing a bit more fun to life.

  'This was the perfect way to get a little joy straight to stressed-out office workers.'

  The unique lift feature took food technicians and artists four weeks to install

  Tasty surprise: Social etiquette and hygiene issues appear to go out the window when there is a lickable lift wall available.


  • 餅乾
  • 員工士氣
  • lift
  • Jaffa
  • 雙語
  • Cakes
  • unique
  • elevator
  • took
  • workers