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發佈時間:2012年03月29日 06:28 | 進入復興論壇 | 來源:IT168 | 手機看視頻

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  【IT168 資訊】來自英國的消息,今日尼康(英國)發佈聲明,宣佈調整旗下三款全幅數碼單反相機的建議零售價(RRP)。D800(參數圖片文章) 的售價由 2,399 升至 2,599 英鎊,而旗艦機型 D4(參數圖片文章) 由原來的 4,799 上調至 5,289 英鎊,僅比佳能EOS 1D-X 便宜 10 英鎊。相應地,D800E 的零售價升至 2,899 英鎊,預購將採用新價格。


  聲明原文如下:(來自 Pixiq

  NIKON UK Press Statement 26-March-2012

  Nikon UK can confirm a correction to the originally published recommended retail prices (RRP) on the D800, D800E and D4 products.

  Due to a local internal systems error, the incorrect RRPs on the D800, D800E and D4 products were communicated in the UK and Irish markets at the time of announcement. The correct RRPs for the products should have been D4: £5289.99, D800: £2,599.99 and D800E: £2,899.99. We would like to apologise sincerely to our customers for this unfortunate mistake, which has been corrected with immediate effect. We know that there has been strong consumer interest in these products and a high level of pre-orders placed with retailers; Nikon will be honouring the original prices to retailers on all customer pre-orders placed before March 24th 2012.

  不過,尼康公司也保證,在3月24日前已下訂單的顧客仍可以初始價格購買 D4、D800 或 D800E。


  • 旗艦機型
  • 數碼單反相機
  • 尼康公司
  • 英鎊
  • products
  • UK
  • retailers
  • pre-orders
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