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Gosh, Will I be as Big as You(圖)

發佈時間:2012年03月19日 01:09 | 進入復興論壇 | 來源:新華報業網-揚子晚報 | 手機看視頻

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  His feet aren t much shorter than their legs.So little wonder that the children of St Michael’s were treading carefully when Sultan Kosen came to visit yesterday

  Fortunately for them, the world’s tallest man is a giant of the gentle variety and careful where he puts his size 28s.Pupils had to clamber up a climbing frame to make eye contact with the 29-year-old who is 8ft 3in tall.

  Mr Kosen, a farmer, visited the school in Twickenham, south-west London, after itwon a Guinness World Records Educational Programme competition.

  The Turkish farmer impressed teachers and pupils by ‘placing’ a ball in a basketball hoop while barely having to stretch.

  Pupils crooked their necks as they stared up at the giant man, who walks with a stick and is almost three times their size.

  Sultan said: Some people don’t know what to do when they meet me but everyone at St Michael’s has been so friendly and warm. I wanted to share with kids it’s OK to be different.

  Year six teacher Ruth Foley said: The children were all in absolute awe of Sultan, he is lovely, like a gentle giant. This memorable experience will stay with us all for the rest of our lives.


  • Gosh
  • You
  • Will
  • their
  • Pupils
  • Sultan
  • size
  • gentle
  • Big
  • St
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