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  雨花湯圓:Rain-Flower Dumping

  金陵乳鴿:Deep-Fried Pigeon Jinling style

  香麻辣子雞:Deep-Fried Chicken with Sping Sauce

  東坡肉:Braised Pork Dong Po style

  魚香肉絲:Santeed Shedded Pork,Bamboo Shootand Fungus with Sweet and Soar Sauce

  麻婆豆腐:Ma Po Braised Bean curd in Chili Sauce

  饞嘴牛蛙:Braised Bullfrog with Wegetable in Chili Sauce

  宮保雞丁:Santeed Diced Chicken with Peannt,Sichuan Style

  回鍋肉:Santeed Pork Slices with Pressed Bean Curd and Garlic

  美極江白蝦:Santeed River Shrimp in Maggi Seasoning

  菠蘿咕嚕蝦:Santeed Praw with Pineapple in Sweet and Sour Sauce

  秘鮑扣遼參:Braised Sea Cucumber with Abalone Sauce

  素燒鵝:Mushroom with Abalone sauce,Jingling style

  人人喜水餃:Dumpling Stuffed with Mashed Beef and Chinese Cabbage


  • Sauce
  • 素燒鵝
  • with
  • 英文譯名
  • Santeed
  • 麻辣子雞
  • Braised
  • Pork
  • 金陵飯店
  • Sweet