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發佈時間:2012年02月17日 19:29 | 進入復興論壇 | 來源:國際在線 | 手機看視頻

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  It is hardly a complex or onerous procedure, but Buckingham Palace has decided that running one’s own bath is not a task that members of the Royal Family and guests of the Queen should be burdened with.


  The Royal Household is seeking to appoint a housekeeping assistant, one of whose jobs will be to put in the plug, turn on the tap and check the temperature of the water when the bath is full.


  The successful candidate for the ?14,200-a-year post will be‘committed to achieving exceptional standards of service provision’.


  As well as filling the royal bath, he or she will pack and unpack for guests of the Royal Household, iron their clothes, help them dress, look after their jewellery and arrange for tea and breakfast trays to be brought to their room.


  As the modest starting salary indicates, the job is near the bottom of the Palace hierarchy. But whoever fills the vacancy will rub shoulders with the Queen and Prince Philip.



  • 浴缸塞
  • 皇室家族
  • 雙語
  • 招聘
  • their
  • Household
  • Queen
  • guests
  • breakfast
  • clothes