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[雙語]iTunes提高惠特尼專輯售價 歌迷指責蘋果“發死人財”

發佈時間:2012年02月16日 14:10 | 進入復興論壇 | 來源:國際在線 | 手機看視頻

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  Whitney Houston fans have accused Apple of exploiting the late singer's death by increasing the cost of her in-demand albums on iTunes.

  惠特尼 休斯頓的歌迷指責蘋果“發死人財”,在這位流行樂天后去世後,蘋果在線音樂商店iTunes中其熱門專輯的價格上漲。

  Her Ultimate Collection album, released in 2007, has increased by $4.70 to $12.60, according to Digital Spy.

  根據英國娛樂和媒體新聞網站Digital Spy報道,2007年惠特尼發表的精選集的售價上漲了4.7美元,目前的售價是12.6美元。

  It comes after the singer, whose most famous hits include I Will Always Love You and I Wanna Dance With Somebody, was found dead in her Los Angeles hotel room on Saturday afternoon at the age of 48.

  現年48歲的美國歌手惠特尼 休斯頓在週六晚上被發現死於洛杉磯的希爾頓酒店中。惠特尼膾炙人口的歌曲包括I Will Always Love You,I Wanna Dance With Somebody等。

  Users reportedly complained they were unable to download the Ultimate Collection while it was given the new price.


  Some music fans accused Apple of 'cashing in' on the singer's death, while others said the company should be 'ashamed', Digital Spy reported.

  Digital Spy網站報道説,很多音樂迷指責蘋果借機“發死人財”,更有樂迷稱蘋果公司應該就此感到“羞愧”。

  One customer said: 'To say I am angry is an understatement and I feel it is just a case of iTunes cashing in on the singer's death, which in my opinion is totally parasitic. The album itself is great so please don't be put off purchasing it, just [know] that you will merely be lining some fatcat's pocket before Whitney's lifeless body is cold.'


  Houston's albums also dominated Amazon's CD best seller chart on Sunday, withat No. 1 and seven other Houston-related albums - including the soundtracks to The Bodyguard and Waiting to Exhale - in the top ten.

  惠特尼的專輯The Greatest Hits同樣成為12日亞馬遜網上商城的最暢銷CD,另有其他七章專輯都名列前十名的排行榜,其中包括她主演的兩部電影《等待夢醒時分》和《終極保鏢》的電影原聲帶。

  On iTunes, eight of Houston's albums were listed on the top100 album sales chart, with The Greatest Hits once again taking the No. 1 slot and both the original and deluxe versions of her eponymous 1985 debut charting.

  目前有8張惠特尼的專輯名列iTunes下載前100名,其中一張精選集The Greatest Hits名列首位,還包括她在1985年的首張同名專輯的原唱和特別版。


  • iTunes
  • 惠特尼
  • 歌迷
  • 蘋果公司
  • 雙語
  • 發死人財
  • 售價
  • Digital
  • hits
  • Spy