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發佈時間:2012年01月15日 22:49 | 進入復興論壇 | 來源:國際在線 | 手機看視頻

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  The Duchess of Cambridge's wedding dress and the London 2012 Olympic torch are among designs competing to be crowned the best of the year.


  The duchess's ivory bridal gown, designed by Alexander McQueen's creative director Sarah Burton, was widely considered to be a roaring success when it was unveiled at the royal wedding last April.

  王妃那件象牙白的結婚禮服,是由英國著名服裝品牌Alexander McQueen創意非凡的掌門人Sarah Burton設計的,在去年四月的皇室婚禮上初次亮相,被公認為是一件非常成功的設計作品。

  The intricately decorated gown, handstitched by dozens of members of the Royal School of Needlework in Hampton Court, was deemed by some to bear a striking resemblance to the one worn by the actress Grace Kelly for her wedding to Rainier III, Prince of Monaco, in April 1956.

  這件做工精細的婚紗是由來自漢普頓宮苑皇家縫紉學校的幾十名成員手工縫製的,有人認為它可以和女演員格蕾絲 凱利1956年4月嫁給摩納哥王子雷尼爾三世時穿的那件婚紗相媲美。

  It went on display in the ballroom of Buckingham Palace during the annual summer opening last year.



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  • 最佳設計
  • The
  • 婚紗相
  • 設計作品
  • 凱特
  • 王妃
  • 雙語
  • wedding