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發佈時間:2012年01月08日 05:08 | 進入復興論壇 | 來源:國際在線 | 手機看視頻

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  A teenage mother shot and killed an intruder after a 911 operator said she was allowed to defend her infant son and herself with force.


  Sarah McKinley, 18, killed Justin Martin with a single gunshot wound on New Year's Eve when he forced his way into her Blanchard, Okla. home and came at her with a long hunting knife, ABC News reports.

  據美國廣播公司新聞報道,這個18歲的少女媽媽名叫莎拉 麥金利。新年夜當晚,一位名叫賈斯汀 馬丁的男子闖進她在俄克拉荷馬州布蘭查得市的家中。在馬丁拿著一把長長的獵刀向她逼近上來時,莎拉果斷開槍。

  The deadly encounter occurred about a week after the young mom's husband died of cancer, according to TV station KOCO. Martin darkened McKinley's door on the day of her husband's funeral, several days before the shooting. He claimed he was a neighbor who wanted to say hello, but she didn't open the door.


  Martin returned with an accomplice on Dec. 31, and they tried to force their way into the modest house. When McKinley heard the men trying to break in, she called 911.


  She also holed up in her bedroom with a 12-gauge shotgun and a pistol, while she put a bottle in her three-month-old son's mouth.


  "I've got two guns in my hand -- Is it okay to shoot him if he comes in this door?" McKinley asked the 911 operator.


  "I can't tell you that you can do that, but you do what you have to do to protect your baby," the dispatcher told McKinley when she asked a second time. The call went on for 21 minutes as the men powered their way into McKinley's house.


  Eventually, Martin kicked in the door and charged at her with a knife, but McKinley fired before he could injure her.


  Police found Martin slumped over a couch that McKinley had used to barricade the door and pronounced him dead o the scene, TV station News 9 reports. They said McKinley's use of force was justified.


  Martin's alleged accomplice, Dustin Stewart, fled when he heard the gunshot and later surrendered to police, according to The Oklahoman. Stewart was charged with burglary.

  據俄克拉荷馬州的警方透露,馬丁的同夥達斯汀 斯圖爾特一聽到槍聲就逃跑了;不過,後來很快被捕,並被判處“入室盜竊罪”。


  • 莎拉
  • The
  • 媽媽
  • 入侵者
  • 槍擊
  • 雙語
  • McKinleys
  • knife
  • operator
  • she