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[雙語]蓋茨女兒用iPhone 微軟蘋果再爭鋒

發佈時間:2012年01月02日 18:36 | 進入復興論壇 | 來源:國際在線 | 手機看視頻

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  He famously refuses to allow his children to own any Apple products. But Microsoft founder Bill Gates might want to closely check what mobile phone his 15-year-old daughter Jennifer uses. The teenager was photographed clutching what looks suspiciously like an Apple iPhone during a hike in Sydney, Australia, earlier this week.


  The news will come as a shock to the billionaire computer tycoon, who only permits his three children to use Microsoft equivalents such as the Zune music player. Jennifer was caught out while she hiked with her mother Melinda on Wednesday. Rivalry between Microsoft and Apple is notoriously fierce and has become particularly competitive in recent years as the pair fight it out for dominance of the electronics market.

  這對於比爾 蓋茨這位電腦巨頭來説無疑是晴天霹靂,因為他一向只允許自己的三個孩子使用微軟旗下的産品,比如Zune音樂播放器。大女兒珍妮弗週三與母親梅琳達一起跑步時被拍到使用疑似iPhone的手機。微軟和蘋果的競爭激烈,兩家都在爭奪電子産品市場龍頭老大的寶座。 

  The Gates family - including son Rory, 13, and daughter Phoebe, nine - are enjoying their first Australian Christmas as part a month-long holiday Down Under. Mr Gates has rented out a luxurious ?16,000-a-week mansion in an exclusive area of Sydney Harbour.


  Mr Gates, who founded the computer software company Microsoft in 1975, is the second richest man in the world, behind Mexican businessman Carlos Slim. He lost the number one spot last year after giving away $28billion to charity. His personal fortune is now said to stand at $56billion. Mr and Mrs Gates, who live in Lake Medina, just outside Seattle, Washington, have said they want to give their children as normal an upbringing as possible. In spite of their wealth, the Gates children have to complete household chores and are given a modest amount of pocket money.

  蓋茨于1975年創立微軟,現為全世界第二富有的人,僅次於墨西哥富商電信巨頭卡洛斯 斯利姆。比爾 蓋茨將其280億美元的資産捐贈給慈善事業後,于去年失去了其世界首富的寶座。據説,比爾 蓋茨現在仍擁有560億美元的身家。蓋茨一家住在西雅圖外的麥地那湖附近,他們想讓自己的孩子過普通人的生活。儘管含著金湯匙出生,蓋茨的孩子也需要干家務活,零用錢也不是很多。


  • 蓋茨
  • 微軟
  • iPhone
  • 1975年
  • 蘋果公司
  • The
  • Gates
  • 女兒
  • Microsoft
  • 雙語