中新網12月13日電 亞洲盃處正在即,12日晚,正在跟隨國足集訓的馮瀟霆在個人社交媒體發佈了一段視頻,並配上了李小龍名言。
馮瀟霆在社交媒體上發表了一段個人訓練視頻,訓練中他似乎赤膊躺在地上,把腳墊高,用類似仰臥起坐的方式鍛煉核心力量。還配了一段英文:A good martial artist is like water. Why? Because water is insubstantial. By that, you can't grab it, you can't punch and hurt it , so be soft like water and flexible. Empty your mind. Be formless,shapeless like water. You put water in a cup, it becomes the cup.You put water in a bottle, it becomes the bottle. You put water in a teapot , it becomes the teapot. Water can flow or crash. Be water, my friends!