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Update News

Chinese president's Euro-Asian tour fruitful: FM  (2003-06-06 10:35)

Hu's trip represents China's global diplomatic perspective (2003-06-06 10:34)

Chinese president leaves Mongolia, ends Euro-Asian tour (2003-06-05 17:02)

Chinese president meets Mongolian prime minister (2003-06-05 17:01)

Chinese president meets Mongolian parliament speaker (2003-06-05 17:00)

China, Mongolia leaders pledge to enhance ties  (2003-06-05 10:45)

Chinese president meets leaders of Kazakh government, parliament (2003-06-04 12:05)

China, Kazakhstan sign joint declaration (2003-06-03 17:39)

Hu Jintao seeks to cement cooperation between China, Kazakhstan (2003-06-03 16:12)

Hu: China cherishes cooperation with developing countries (2003-06-03 10:13)

Chinese president meets international figures (2003-06-03 10:11)

Bush: Washington to hold to "One China" principle  (2003-06-02 14:49)

Chinese president arrives in Evian for informal dialogue meeting (2003-06-01 17:16)

ST. Petersburg celebrates its 300th anniversary  (2003-06-01 14:43)

Leaders begin arriving for North-South informal dialogue meeting (2003-06-01 10:50)

Chinese president leaves St. Petersburg for France  (2003-06-01 10:20)

Chinese President meets with Japanese and Indian leaders (2003-06-01 09:33)

Shanghai gives "friendship garden" to St. Petersburg (2003-05-31 15:49)

Russia, EU convene summit in St. Petersburg (2003-05-31 15:34)

Chinese President meets Polish, Greek, Canadian leaders (2003-05-31 10:29)

World leaders gather for St. Petersburg's 300th anniversary  (2003-05-31 10:28)

SCO members to hold joint anti-terror exercise (2003-05-30 10:24)

SCO leaders pledge enhanced cooperation (2003-05-30 10:17)

Third SCO summit meeting held in Moscow (2003-05-30 10:13)

Chinese President meets with Russian Parliamentary leaders (2003-05-29 14:18)

Hu Jintao addresses Moscow diplomatic institute  (2003-05-29 09:11)

Hu Jintao, Russian PM talk trade (2003-05-29 09:05)

China, Russia advocate multi-polarized international order (2003-05-28 17:35)

Chinese president pledges to further promote Sino-Russian ties (2003-05-28 17:18)

Chinese president confident of winning war against SARS (2003-05-28 17:17)

Chinese president addresses Moscow State Institute of International Relations (2003-05-28 17:16)

China, Russia vow to strengthen UN's central role (2003-05-28 17:16)

China, Russia sign joint statement (2003-05-28 16:42)

China, Russia vow to strengthen UN's central role (2003-05-28 13:59)

Hu Jintao meets Vladimir Putin during his visit to Russia (2003-05-28 13:55)

China, Russia to cement strategic partnership of cooperation (2003-05-28 10:11)

Written Speech by President Hu Jintao at Moscow Airport  (2003-05-27 17:37)

Chinese president Hu Jintao meets Russian President Putin (2003-05-27 15:47)

Hu Jintao in Russia for 3-day state visit (2003-05-27 10:04)

Tang Jiaxuan meets Russian FM (2003-05-27 09:07)

China-Russia summit promotes overall development of relations (2003-05-27 09:06)

Hu Jintao leaves for state visits to Russia, Kazakhstan, Mongolia, international (2003-05-26 15:40)

Chinese President speaks to Russian media (2003-05-25 14:39)

Chinese President to visit Russia on May 26  (2003-05-24 14:40)

Chinese president to make Europe-Asia trip  (2003-05-22 14:40)

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