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豐田汽車公司(T oyotaM otorC orp.,T M)本週稱,因電力控制板的晶體管存在問題,該公司將從美國、日本和歐洲召回數款混合動力汽車。此次召回事件恰逢評級機構穆迪投資者服務公司對豐田信用評級下調,顯示自日本大地震災難後,豐田市場前景仍不見好轉。
T oyotasaidW ednesdayit w ill recall m orethan 110000 hybrid vehiclesin theU nitedStates,Japan and E uropebecauseof faultytransistors in electricalpow er controlboards.T heU S m arket isthem ost affected,w ith theJapaneseautogiant recalling45500units of its H ighlander H ybridand36700LexusR X 400hvehicles due to“inadequate soldering”.
豐田汽車公司週三稱,因電力控制板的晶體管存在問題,該公司將從美國、日本和歐洲召回超過110000輛混合動力汽車。其中美國市場受到的影響最大。由於晶體管焊接不充分,豐田汽車將召回45500輛H ighlander H ybrid型號及36700輛L exusR X 400h型號的汽車。在美國召回大約82200輛混合動力SU V,因為這些車輛的電力控制板中的晶體管可能存在缺陷。(法新社)
T oyotasaid certain transistorscould bedam agedfrom heat causedbyalargecurrentflow duringhigh-loaddrivingduetothede-fect.Inm ost cases the vehicle w ill enter afail-safedrivingm ode,resultinginreducedpow erin w hich thevehiclecan still bedriven forshort distances. Inthew orst casethevehiclecouldstop,Toyota said.
In E urope,therecall w ill coverroughly15,000vehicles,the spokesw om ansaid. T oyotasaidit is“w orkingon”obtainingreplacem entparts andw ill notifyow ners w henavailable.
M oody’s dow ngradedT oyota’s seniorunsecuredlong-term credit ratings one notchtoA a3,sayingit w ill taketim eforJapan’sbiggestauto m akerto return to“strongprofitability”as it tacklesthestrongyenasw ell astheproduction disruptionsfrom theearthquake andtsunam i.
穆迪發佈公告稱,已將豐田的優先無擔保長期信用評級下調一檔,至A a3。並稱,由於日元升值和地震和海嘯阻礙其生産,該公司要恢復較強的盈利能力還需假以時日。(《華爾街日報》)
In A pril,theagencyput T oyotaunderreview for a possible dow ngrade. T he m ove w asthefirst ratingcut byM oody’sonT oyotasince A pril 2010,and theagency said afurther dow ngrade rem ains a distinct possibility.