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  • 211 Itamar livni08-02-15
    Please accompany all conversations with Chinese characters like you did before. Please leave the new vocabulary longer on the screen, so that there will be enough time to copy it. Except for that you all: Dashan and the team are marvelous and superb. My name is Mr. Livni I love you and leaver you.
  • 210 eman08-02-14
    I am like this program very much because it is learn us anew langage.
  • 209 eman08-02-14
    I want to learn chinese language
  • 208 08-02-13
    Thank you for your program!!
  • 207 Steve08-02-13
    Without question, this is the best program on CCTV-9 (CCTV execs take note!). It's hard to believe that it is not on at "better times"(say between 7-10pm during the week). Virtually all of my friends feel that after the dinnertime news, and before 10 or 11 pm, there should be at least 30 minutes of Chinese learning and a movie ... maybe a movie on Tues & Thurs nights, and a great culture or history program on Mon-Wed-Friday nights. CCTV should add more Chinese language learning to be sure, and how about topics such as dealing with business: customs, visiting factories, dealingwith gov't agencies (tax, business setup. etc). Such business topics could naturally include business trips, that would in turn allow you to teach us about the great cities and sites of China.
  • 206 Yu08-02-12
    Great program!! thanks a lot for the good job. it is a pity though that the written transcription of the dialogues is not accessible on the webpage of the Sports Chinese after a while. would it be possible to create a kind of "archive section" where we could find all the dialogues in written? xie xie!!zhu da jia xin nian kuai le!!
  • 205 Parent help chidren08-02-11
    It willl be nice if spaces be given after each sentence so that audience can repeat. It will be nice a graphic illustration the order in which each character is written out.
  • 204 hassan08-02-10
    its a good way to learn chinese..i like it.
  • 203 Barbara Cole08-02-09
    Thank you so very much for this program. I TIVO it so I can watch and listen to it again and again as I have the other series. I wish my Chinese were better so I could write this in Chinese.
  • 202 jason08-02-09
    It's pretty nice, but I think there may be mistake on the 10th lecture. It is identical to the 9th.
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