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  • 181 Lee08-01-21
    thanks for the wonderful program. The lesson 5 video is only the first 8 minutes of the lesson. Sometimes it its difficult to get to watch the actual program because of work and other committments.
  • 180 Roy08-01-21
    I love to follow your lessons and you are doing a great job. I can only follow the lessons online and I was a little dissapointed with the last episode (5) being cut very short. could you please upload the whole episode? Thank you.
  • 179 Imma08-01-20
    Thumbs up for this newly improved programmes. I find the subtitles (han yu pin yin translation) not clear enough. Can you please bold and make them clearer ? Also the 2 Chinese actors speak too fast fo me to catch up as to what they are talking about. Thanks
  • 178 itamar livni08-01-20
    To Dashan and his wonderful team. I enjoy your magnificent performance. I studied in Shanghai Fudan daxue. In my opinion you should show the vocabulary i.e the Chinese characters more clearly and for a longer period of time. thank you your faithful student
  • 177 Martin Wood08-01-19
    Hi I just watched the latest programme in which it was announced that the residents of Beijing are being told they must smile for the duration of the Olympic Games. To anyone from the West it is absolutely astonishing that China would go so far as officially abolishing unhappiness to ensure the outside world sees the Games as a success. Has anybody in the Communist Party ever read 1984, I wonder? I understand that the announcers have little control over the content of the prgram. If they did they would never transmit anything so absurd. Anyway best regards for your programme which I, otherwise, enjoy and has helped quite a lot with my Mandarin Martin
  • 176 Aggie08-01-19
    hi Today was the first time viewing CCTV's Chinese lessons and i was most impressed with its quality - content, accent of cast and contemporariness. I was however disappointed to find that Lessons 1-4 did not have the pinyin accompanying the Chinese text like Lesson 5. Could this perhaps be included for Lessons 1-4, please? Aggie
  • 175 Kayla 08-01-19
    Hi. I am Kayla . I am wondering if you have kids' Chinese learning program. Or would you have one soon? Thanks
  • 174 olay08-01-18
    My suggestions are to include the pinyin translations along with the Chinese characters on both the program and the web page. It would also help if the actors would speak just a little bit slower. You could also include a vocabulary list for each program on your website
  • 173 pony08-01-18
    i am a little boy ,too
  • 172 Gary08-01-18
    Please continue to speak using normal speed in the dialogues. I have read from many posted comments that the dialogues are spoken too fast for the student. I understand their concerns. However, I believe the dialogues should be spoken at normal speed. The students need to practice listening to normal conversation in order to learn how to understand normal conversation. I love this series. I loved Communicate in Chinese and Travel in Chinese. Thank you so much for the outstanding instruction. Gary
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