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  • 221 zyz08-03-04
    I want to learn English very much!
  • 220 Neil Robertson08-03-01
    I can't always tune into the TV series (much as I like it) so are podcasts of the series available?
  • 219 George kwasi Qiao FENG08-02-28
    I like the programme but it seems to be faster especially when the words in Chinese are shown on the screen, it makes it difficult to memorize them or write them down. Do something on it. Thank you.
  • 218 Irene Teoh08-02-24
    I have just discovered this channel and am delighted as I am learning Mandarin and find the lessons interesting. However, the colour and type of font used for the English translations of the dialogues makes it difficult to read. May I suggest that a solid font be used so viewers (especially senior citizens like me) can make out what's on the screen. Many thanks Irene
  • 217 jichuantong08-02-23
    i never miss it that is my love
  • 216 mehalouh08-02-22
    hello I like chinese language and I want to travele in china to learn chinese I need a help to learn at school ( . thank you .cctv
  • 215 Ahmed08-02-22
    hello thank you for this program : i like chinese language I look cctv evry day its very good . I would like to learn chinese language : thank you . Ahmed.
  • 214 caolala08-02-21
    i like this program,i watch it every day at home.but now i can't watch it because i i feel lost something.
  • 213 David08-02-16
    We watched "Sports Chinese" in my Chinese class, and it was really good. I wanted to watch it at home, but the Java-plugin doesn't work. Why don't you put the shows on Youtube? My web browser is Firefox running on Ubuntu Linux 7.10 with Java 1.6.0_03.
  • 212 Homi08-02-16
    I am not able to hear any of the lessons this year on the CCTv English website. Last year when I was here, there were videos of each lesson on your site. Are these stopped? Is there a way to purchase these from CCTV-9 on a DVD or CD-R?
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