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  • 241 John-USA08-03-31
    This section of the website bears no resemblance to the show I just saw - I was hoping to get a review. It is now 3:45pm on Monday March 31st. The recent episode was about volleyball.
  • 240 Nalan 1yang Poland08-03-28
    I agree with Albert. The lessons are very helpful but i think pinyin is really necessary.
  • 239 Rebecca, Tianjin China08-03-27
    Hello everyone, I am an English-learning lover in Tianjin China. I want to improve my English-spoken ability. I think it is good for my daily work. I would like to meet some friends from the other countries, especially from English native countries. On the weekend, I can teach Chinese for you, I also can learn English from you. My contact method is I am looking forward to having a foreign friend quickly.
  • 238 Tony08-03-27
    No table tennis?I want to see the interpretation of table tennis,thanks
  • 237 usa08-03-24
    Hi, thank you for the video for lessons 12 @ 13, but what happened to the Pinying? the format from lessons 1 to 10 was perfect for learning, because having the text with" PINYING" was very helpful. Is it possible to have the text with Pinying again, for the remaining of the program? Thank you in advance, Albert
  • 236 Moreau France08-03-24
    We, foreigners in China are very often requasted to sing (in Karaokes) or to give a small speech ... and usually it is quite difficult for us. I think "Learning Chinese" can very easilyt give us a valuable help. Thanks
  • 235 Lindy08-03-23
    As a Chinese people,I think we need some measure to test our chinese level.
  • 234 sam08-03-23
    i'd like to learn chinese
  • 233 itamar livni08-03-22
    the internet address, shows me always till lesson no. 10 and it does not change; would you please check it and tell me when do you change the lesson in the internet.
  • 232 usa08-03-20
    Hi, It's a great program, we're waiting for lesson # 11, on line, thank you for the hard work. Albert
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