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  • 251 Jonathan, USA08-04-19
    I am so excited with my CCTV9 I just subscribed via warner cable. CCTV9 is not part of the package when subscribing the cable network here in the USA. I have to pay additional $5.00 in order to view CCTV9 but it's worth it. Through it, I am learning Chinese with Da San. When viewing on my laptop, I am confronted with the same issues as Thomas Cooks. I would like to sincerely thank CCTV9 for all the wonderful programs and thank you Da San for teaching us Chinese. You make it seems so easy. I would also like to wish China a great success with her summer Olympics. I know it is going to be a wonderful one. Peace. Jonathan.
  • 250 Akio Shimada08-04-15
    I'm learning Chinese through this very useful program. Since the contents are a little bit difficult for me, I'd like your staff to upload your lessons while they are being televised on TV. In this way, I find it easier to understand the contents more which are being lelevised on TV.
  • 249 CHINA Cherry08-04-14
    YES, I love watching these videos so much,and I hope we can share with each other. OW,I forget to introduce myself. I am a Chinese ,and I speak cantonese as my mother language. And if anyone have some trouble with Chinese can send to me ,maybe I can give some help. Specilly in PUTONGHUA & Cantonese
  • 248 Andrew, China08-04-11
    Why are episodes 11 and 12 missing? Why are some of the videos incomplete? (I missed a few episodes on TV but can only see the first 8 minutes of some episodes on the web.) As for videos working or not, I find that they only work in Internet Explorer (not Firefox). Also, sometimes they don't work due to internet overloading, or take minutes to start playing.
  • 247 Thomas Cook, USA08-04-09
    I'm trying to access your videos such as the one provided with 第十五課 羽毛球, but the videos don't play. I had our tech support man look at it, and he said "I tried it on my PC as well as yours. I did upgrade Flash and Java and added the activeX for Winmedia to no avail." Any idea why I can't see these videos? Thank you Univeristy of Utah Salt Lake City, UT 84109 USA
  • 246 us08-04-04
    One solution of the PINYIN dilema is to publish a book similar to the books published for Communicate in Chinese series. I bought these books and the dvd of this series and have found them to be better than attending classes in chinese. the Pimsleur series of cd are also excellent however they 'let you down' as you become accustomed to them and then you come to the end and there is no more, they only have about 500 words and you probably need about 3000 words. I just bet some enterprising Chinese can produce such a product. youhould advertise your dvd and books so that the college students can avail themselves of this valuable learning system, they are not that welkl knawn in US. Thankyou for this fabulous program ,Ihope you continue for ever. i
  • 245 Ronnie Tan08-04-03
    It helps me save a lot of time if PINYIN is also included in the text with the Chinese characters/words as I do not have to refer to the dictionary so often when I do know what the Chinese character is or how to pronounce it. Even though my Chinese has progressed to a great level and I can now can read a lot more Chinese characters, I still find the PINYIN invaluable as it is a great aid. Hope the lessons which were missing the PINYIN will be redone to include PINYIN. Thanks. The program has been a great help for me to learn my Chinese and CCTV is doing a great service!
  • 244 Albert, USA08-04-03
    Hi, Thank you very much for the fast answer to adding the pinying to your lessons. I'm looking forward to watch your programs and consolidate my learning by using your cctv site. keep the flame alive and the torch relay going forward on it's journey of harmony. it's a great program, thanks again, Albert
  • 243 Germany08-04-02
    I appreciate the efforts of the teaching team as I know it isn't easy to convey a message properly from one language to another. Hower, I think the explanation in English, of the statements made in Chinese, are rather too lengthy and the message is got but a learner would not be able to say these statements in Chinese. Reason_ the statement is not repeated several times(often only once) in Chinese so that the learner can catch the tone and often the Chinese speaker(the actor) speaks a little fast for a foreigner to catch up. So I suppose the moderator could repeat the key statements sevral times and slower, instead it is done the other way round. This rather helps the Chinese more to learn English than it helps the Foreigner to learn Chinese. I thought this could be compensated for by writing the statements in pinyin as well on the internet but I was surprised by the "Almost nothing" on the net. By the way, I am a teacher of English.
  • 242 Linden, Germany08-03-31
    I agree with various people: PINYIN is absolutely necessary for learners of Hanyu? Why don't you do it as in lessens 1-10 again? I would say without pinyin learners will sooner or later lose interest and motivation. Don't be too technical when explaining different kinds of sport as this will not help beginners very much in their daily necessities.
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