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  • 171 david 08-01-17
    hi ! good afternoon, an excellent program , i like it very well . also you are fluent in chinese . integrating your chinese and english ,it is very convenient for me to study english.especially program for beijing 2000 olympics.i learn much more not only englisg but alao more information for olympics. thank you dasan. you are perfect.
  • 170 david08-01-17
    hello!i like this program very much , i am chinese , now i begin to study english . i can listen your explaining in english. i enjoy it very well .
  • 169 Jesse08-01-16
    Hello! I am a little boy!
  • 168 mo08-01-14
    pleae give me an address in China (Beijing) and outside China to buy the videos and books thanks
  • 167 Melanie08-01-13
    Where can one find the archived lessons on the website? I've clicked on the "more" buttons and the resulting pages are blank.
  • 166 PAYS08-01-12
    I am a French teacher of English, spanish and german but at a loss to learn anything in chinese from this course. This program is for more advanced students but terrible for beginners or less advanced. Is there a course for beginners or false beginners with pinyin+characters?
  • 165 Hot Pot David08-01-12
    Thanks for encouraging people to learn Mandarin Chinese. I have been a fan of Communicate in Chinese and Travel in Chinese for several years and now I am enjoying Sports Chinese. My suggestions are to include the pinyin translations along with the Chinese characters on both the program and the web page. It would also help if the actors would speak just a little bit slower. You could also include a vocabulary list for each program on your website. I am using these programs along with a test book to learn to speak Chinese. I am fortunate that my wife is Chinese and can help me with the pronunciations. Thanks for the great programs.
  • 164 Joseph08-01-12
    These drills are usual without the pin yin
  • 163 Jorge08-01-12
    thanks for the team and actors and cameramen! it's nice to learn with you.
  • 162 Itamar Livni08-01-12
    This programm is excellent. The new vocabulary should be presented as in the earlier lessons i.e. that a native Chinese should read loudly the new chatacter, and the character should be shown on screen both in Pinyin and in Chinese. wo chu nimen hao
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