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Air Time
07:30 (premier), 13:30, 19:30, 01:30
Monday through Sunday


What's on

Beijing Olympic Emblem (2003-08-06 15:21) 

UN reform (2003-07-24 17:21) 

Reform of care for the homeless & their repatriation (2003-07-23 16:16) 

Sino-British trade ties (2003-07-22 17:00) 

Japan’s SDF military venture stirs controversy (2003-07-21 14:04) 

What’s behind Bush’s African tour (2003-07-18 17:24) 

Formation of Iraqi Interim governing council (2003-07-16 15:36) 

Forecast on Chinese economy after SARS (2003-07-15 17:32) 

2nd anniversary of Beijing’s successful bid for 2008 Olympic Games (2003-07-14 15:25) 

Oil & energy security for China (2003-07-10 14:29) 

ROK economy and ties with China  (2003-07-09 10:46) 

Renewed emphasis on “Three Represents” (2003-07-08 14:07) 

Outgoing Indian ambassador on Sino-Indian ties (2003-07-07 10:59) 

US strategic military realignment (2003-07-03 15:39) 

Sixth yeas after Hong Kong’s return to China (2003-07-01 16:04) 

Liberalization of interest rates (2003-06-24 13:18) 

Sino-Indian ties to be improved (2003-06-23 13:48) 

Traditional English teaching methods challenged (2003-06-20 16:29) 

Algeria Earthquake  (2003-06-02 11:09) 

President Hu's first trip to Europe and Asia (2003-05-29 15:01) 

How to cope with crises (2003-05-07 15:05) 

European Unity over foreign affairs (2003-04-22 15:17) 

College graduates employment prospects (2003-04-17 15:04) 

Rationalization of governmental functions (2003-04-09 14:38) 

Freedom of the press endangered (2003-04-04 10:20) 

Controversy concerning the war reporting  (2003-03-31 15:32) 

War Reporting & Ethics of Press (2003-03-13 10:45) 

How and why China is facing up to anti-dumping charges (2003-03-11 09:50) 

Suicide & Prevention (2003-02-28 14:58) 

US policy on Iraq (2003-02-27 10:02)

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