PLA soldiers risk lives to defend border 01-03-21 10:34 Updated BJT
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By Zhou Fujing

Chinese PLA (People's Liberation Army) soldiers are loyal, dedicated, and courageous. They are loyal to both the Communist Party of China (CPC) and China, their motherland. They rescue people stranded in floods and earthquakes, and safeguard every inch of China's territory. They risk their lives to safeguard the borders, which enables happy and peaceful lives for their compatriots.

Chinese PLA soldier Qi Fabao

Chinese PLA soldier Qi Fabao

As China's PLA Daily reported the heroic deeds of the PLA soldiers who died, or was severely wounded during a border clash with Indian troops in June last year in Galwan Valley recently, their names have been known to the public.

As video about the clash was released, more details were disclosed.

"Whatever the difficulty will never shake my loyalty to the Party and my determination to safeguard the border."

Qi Fabao, commander of China's border defense regiment, stretched his arms to stop the Indian troops who violated bilateral pacts between the two militaries by crossing the Line of Actual Control, shouting: you break the agreement and would bear all consequences. He led a few soldiers to try to negotiate in a peaceful manner. Qi was unarmed; while Indian troops were prepared, holding sticks and shields. He was seriously injured during the conflict.

Chen Hongjun, Chen Xiangrong, Xiao Siyuan and Wang Zhuoran, another four PLA soldiers, died during the clash. Despite Qi and his soldiers being outnumbered, they bravely defended themselves in the face of the foreign troops' steel bars, clubs and rocks.

Chen Hongjun was only four months away from becoming a father when he died.

"I had promised to my wife that after I retire from the military, I would help her more in raising the child and preparing dinner and would also go fishing with her."

Chen Xiangrong wrote in his diary: "My love is crystal clear and it is for China only."

Xiao Siyuan carefully kept a picture of his girlfriend in his wallet.

"She supports me to be a soldier. I'll marry her and cook for her for the rest of my life."

Wang Zhuoran died as he tried to save his fellow soldiers who were trapped in a freezing river when they rushed to take part in the conflict.

They are heroes, and they are also ordinary people. They have dreams, they have parents, wives and children. It's sad they could not wait until their life's wishes had come true, as they sacrificed their lives on the plateau to defend the country's sovereignty and to safeguard peace at the border.

The country and Chinese people will forever remember these heroes and martyrs.

(The views don't necessarily represent those of the

Editor: zhangrui
01-03-21 10:34 BJT
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