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[NBA瘋狂英語]湖人休賽期 圍繞科比組建團隊

發佈時間:2013年09月18日 17:24 | 進入體育論壇 | 來源:CNTV | 手機看新聞

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Robert Sacre. Nick Young. Chris Kaman. Wes Johnson. Jordan Farmar. Elias Harris. Shawne Williams.That is what the Los Angeles Lakers offseason has come to."But they’re just re-tooling”, right Lakers fans?Wait, what? They just signed Xavier Henry too? Championship.

You literally can’t make this up. I’m not saying these are dumb moves (well actually I am), but these are not “Lakers” moves. At least, not according to the way their fans have been running their mouths.I mean, yeah. The Lakers still have Pau Gasol and Kobe Bryant on the roster, but how long will they cling to that combo? It’s been a quick six years.Apart from that, how long will they keep relying on Kobe’s last legs – not very long. They can’t. Not because Kobe wants to move on or anything, but because Kobe has less in the tank than many want to believe.

The Black Mamba is now 35.The last thing that the Lakers need to do is keep building around Kobe. Especially, with the type of free agent class next summer is expected to bring.The summer of LeBron 2.0.Also, the summer of :Unrestricted free agents next summer: LeBron, Melo, DWade, Bosh, Duncan, Dirk, Rudy Gay, Pau Gasol, ZBO, Deng, Pierce and Kobe.The Lakers need to do everything in their power to move on. I’m not kidding. They can’t afford to pay Kobe top dollar when he’s not going to be deserving of it in a year or two.

Who knows how he’s going to look, coming off his worst injury of his career. If another superstar wants to come in, and doesn’t want to play with Kobe, they need to oblige to said superstar. You’ll probably throw every statistic at me, saying that Kobe hasn’t started to decline yet. You’re right, he hasn’t. But, see, the thing is that the special teams (which the Lakers are) are the one’s that have the ability to see the future before others. When it comes to Kobe, I just have a feeling that he’s going to have to be dragged off the court, so to say, when it’s all said and done.

Do the Lakers want to be the team that’s going to have to do that – and possibly be set back another 3-to-4 years after that?Dwight Howard said one of the biggest reasons why he left LA was because he didn’t want to have to deal with Kobe for another handful of years. According to Nelly, not many other NBA players want to either.I’m not sure if Nelly has any leeway here, but he could.I’m not saying Kobe’s done, because he’s not. I’m just saying, be careful what you wish for Lakers fans. Be careful.

All you have to do is ask yourself: In three years, is Kobe going to be the focal point of this ball club?If that answer is yes, that is not good. Not at all.And with moves like what I mentioned above, it really looks that way. LA, you better hope a big fish wants you next summer. You better hope.


☆Tooling  n. 工具作業;壓印圖案;機床安裝; v. 使用工具;用工具加工;用機床裝備(tool的ing形式);

☆re- pref. 重新;再,又;反對,因此文中的re-tooling就是重組零件的意思,本文用re-tooling這個詞語形容湖人隊交易狀況,只是有了一些小變動;

☆literally adv. 照字面地;逐字地;例句,When I click another tab, the content literally glides to it. 當我單擊另一個選項卡時,內容便逐字地向其滑動;

☆top dollar 頂薪,高價,在聯盟中形容像科比這樣擁有著頂薪級別的球員。


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