

CCTV.com  2010年02月22日 17:10  進入復興論壇  來源:央視網  

    Name: Shui Junyi (水均益) Nationality: Chinese

    Date and place of birth: 1963, Lanzhou, Gansu Province

    Education: 1980-1984 Department of English, Lanzhou University

    Current position: Producer and Host of “Top Talk ” 《高端訪問》 at CCTV-1, Anchor of “News In Focus” 《焦點訪談》at CCTV-1 and CCTV News Channel.

    Work Experience:

    1984-1993: Editor and Reporter, Xinhua News Agency

    1989 –1991: Xinhua correspondent in Cairo, Egypt

    1993 to Present: Department of News Commentary, China Central Television

    Career Description:

    The ten-year journalist career in Xinhua’s International News Department has given him a rich experience in the coverage of international news and laid a solid foundation for him in the studies of international relations and affairs. During his stay in Cairo, he devoted a lot of attention to the Middle East problem and became a recognized researcher in this field. After joining CCTV, he still focused on international affairs, going to a lot of hotspots to cover the big events in the world, like the Gulf War, the Bosnian War, the Afghan War and the Iraqi War. He is now very famous as China’s No. 1 war correspondent. After becoming anchor of “Eastern Horizon” and “News in Focus”, CCTV’s two prestigious programs, he started to win high popularity and reputation from millions of viewers. Now he is also known as China’s most distinguished interviewer of foreign state leaders, business tycoons and artistic celebrities, because it is he who has undertaken almost all these important and exclusive interviews. Up till now, he has conducted more than 300 such interviews. Those who have been interviewed include: U.N. Secretary General Ghali, Kofi Annan and Ban Ki-moon, President Carter, Russian President Putin, U.K Prime Minister Tony Blair and Gordon Brown, German Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder, French President Jacques Chirac, Prime Minister of Italy Romano Prodi, Japanese Prime Minister Abe Shinzo and Yasuo Fukuda, Indian Prime Minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee, President Samaranch and President Rogge of the International Olympic Committee, King Norodom Sihanouk, President Karzai of Afghanistan, Prime Minister of Malaysia, President of Tanzania, President Fox of Mexico, President Musharraf, President Toledo of Peru, King Abudullah of Jordan and Mr. Bill Gates, etc.




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