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  • 15 Sam Teng, Malaysia08-03-31
    The EU Foreign Ministers should realise that Tibet is part of China. Any attempt to get themselves involved in the Tibet issue is a blatant interference in the internal affairs of China. Please discard your colonial thinkings. China is now a sovereign nation and can take care of its country and people. Mind your own business and stay off!
  • 14 Sam,Teng08-03-31
    The coverage of CCTV-9 on the unrest in Tibet on the atrocities carried out by the rioters should be shown to the whole world. These rioters which included monks in their robes are a disgrace to their religion and country. I guess these are only a small group of people as compared to the total population of Tibet. The Chinese government must act fast and uphold the rule of law to protect the innocent people in Tibet who wants a peaceful life there. Western media are biased towards China. Their reports on the unrest are not accurate or factual; and most often their reports were wrong. Many leaders of Western countries also talked about boycotting the Olympic Games. Such threat shows the shallow knowledge of these leaders on the spirits of the Olympic Games. Shame on you..
  • 13 寮犳枃娑?08-03-30
    Any activity to undermine the country's peace and prosprity is doomed to fail.
  • 12 malaysia08-03-30
    please send me some video
  • 11 Malaysia08-03-28
    I think America and some western countries are all out to sabotage the Olympics in Beijing.The Dalai Lama has long been supported by western media.The West worships him but forgets that he is not really a spiritual leader.If he really is,then he should go back and stay in Tibet and not create troble for China. Long live modern China.Tibet is part of China.
  • 10 Yuri indonesia08-03-28
    As usual those western media distorted n manipulated the fact to deceive their readers. chinese gov should release more news n photo to the world so that others will see and know whats actually going on. Forget bout the dalai lama, that joker was just a puppet for his western master.
  • 9 sam;indonesia08-03-28
    The PRC gov r too kind to those savagery rioters.
  • 8 Singapore08-03-27
    The western media's distortion of facts in their Tibet reports is shameful. The media including those in China owe it to the readers to be objective in their reports. In this case, the western media suppressed the reports of looting, riotings and murder perpetrated by the Dalai Lama's supporters in Lhasa. The West has romanticised Tibet forgetting that before 1950, Tibetans lived in a feudal society with the lamas and the lords at the top. Many people were kept as serfs by them. Perhaps people like Richard Gere and Nancy Pelosi should be reminded of this when they talk about human rights. There were no human rights when the Dalai Lama was the ruler in Lhasa.
  • 7 fox China 08-03-26
    Lhasa is inseparable part of China, it is no doubt about it. China 's government and plice has exert highest restraint on the riot by the Dalai clique.
  • 6 usa08-03-26
    it's important that you counteract the pro-Tibetan rioters propaganda by reaching out to folks in the west who get their info via youtube, myspace, et. al by posting clips their from the excellent documentary coverage on your station.
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