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  • 25 Rick:China08-04-04
    Government should dispatch army to protect civilian's life and property.Actions should be implement in advance to avoid serious result. I love you,my motherland.
  • 24 Jim,Tiffany08-04-04
    I was watching an episode of Dialogue April 3 regarding the foreign news media coverage of the events in Tibet. As usual the western media has to sensationalize every story in order to sell the news. The sad fact is that powerful news organizations, particluarily in the USA think that they can manipulate public opinion. This is exactly what they have tried to do here and unfortunately the American people buy what they have to say. Americans are used to being lied to and they never stop to think about what they are hearing. I hope this does'nt impact on the upcoming Olympics. I am a Canadian expat working and living in China and from my perspective it appears that the government of China has been insulted both by some of the people in Tibet who don't appreciate the efforts that have been made in recent years to help build their economy and by media organizations that don't care about what damage they do. Sincerely yours Jim Tiffany
  • 23 Sam,Teng08-04-04
    People asked CNN and even BBC, What's wrong with you. Simple.....they provide false information and twisted facts on the riots in Tibet. Whatever their intention, it's BAD! Has CNN becomes Concocted News Network and BBC becomes British Bluffers Corporation. If what they protray are rubbish, we should boycott these networks for good.
  • 22 Malaysia08-04-04
    The savage and brutal killings of these innocent victims irrespective of race or culture clearly shows the barbaric acts of terrorists. Those responsible must be punished for their actions in order to give justice to the innocent victims. My deepest and heartfelt condolences to the families of these victims and I hope they will rest in peace.
  • 21 Philippines08-04-04
    It is such a sad sight to see all those innocent civilians casulaties in the aftermath of the riots.. The people responsible for the strings of arson should be meted the full force of the law.. We overseas people condoles with the families of these victims.. Also the policemaen hurt during the riots,, our hearts go to them too.. We should not allow this to happen again.. More power to the Chinese people...all nationalities ,including minorities shoud unite for a better China..
  • 20 David08-04-04
    No matter what things will proceed on we will the idea that Tibet is a part of China and will always be
  • 19 hector-Philippines08-04-04
    I am thankful of the internet, CCTV-9, and a chance to have visisted Beijing. I have been duped by Western media, not only against China but also Vietnam during the Vietnam War. Now, Western media and politicians are twisting the facts to suit their malicious inte- rests. The lies and deception of the Western media against Iraq is still fresh and now they will do it again against China. Instead of attacking China, BBC and CNN, should first apologize to the Iraqui people for being an accomplice in the destruction of Iraq, in the name of human rights.
  • 18 USA08-04-03
    I read this interesting article about the Tibet riots by Iranian-American scholar: The Tibet Card If you like, you can add a link to this article in your website. Thanks for your videos. Fariborz
  • 17 Malaysia08-04-03
    Despite evidence which showed the rioters in Tibet were causing a lot of damge to public properties and innocent human lives, the western media and lawmakers are stubbornly twisting the facts to potray a bad picture of China. Such persistent acts clearly show their bad intention to blackmail China and to sabotage the Olympic Games. The people of the world are not so blind to be fooled by such inaccurate abd biased reports. They only serve to instigate the rioters to cause more trouble by giving them the false impression that they are doing the right things. Is this what you call Western human rights and democracy?
  • 16 indra -Indonesia08-04-02
    Western media is telling "half truth" about Tibet. And half truth is a most dangerous lie.
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