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The latest news
•  Arafat´s body flown to Cairo
    The body of Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat has arrived at Cairo International Airport. Officials in Egypt have prepared a military funeral, which will be the focal point of mourning for dignitaries from around the world.
Related news
"> •  World leaders pay tribute to Arafat
•  Chinese special envoy to attend Arafat´s funeral
•  Palestinians mourn Arafat
•  Arafat´s body flown to Cairo
•  Urgent: Yasser Arafat officially announced dead: al-Jazeera
•  Yasser Arafat: father of Palestinian state


The life of Arafat
•  Arafat´s lifelong struggle
     Yasser Arafat was born in 1929 in Egypt. After graduating in civil engineering from the University of Cairo, in 1956 he formed an underground organization, later known as Al Fatah. The group fought for a Palestinian state, carrying out attacks on Israeli targets.
Arafat was in rage

•  Look up at the helicopter
flying in the sky

•  Criticize the U.S.

•  Give a speech

•  Have a talk
The lifelong stuggle of Arafat

•  Review the documents

•  Plant an olive tree

•  Have a rest outside his office

•  Be optimistic about his illness

•  At the first
election of Palestine

•  Give a speech

•  Shake hands with Rabin

•  Shake hands with Peres
Pray for Arafat

•  Pray for Arafat (1)

•  Pray for Arafat (3)

•  Pray for Arafat (2)

•  Pray for Arafat (4)
Focus on the Percy military hospital

•  Focus on the
Percy hospital (1)

•  Focus on the
Percy hospital (2)

•  Focus on the
Percy hospital (3)

•  Focus on the
Percy hospital (4)
Chinese version
•  Chinese version of this column
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