
Yasser Arafat: father of Palestinian state 11-11-2004 13:15

Palestinians revere Yasser Arafat as the father of their nationalist struggle. With the world now mourning his death, we take a look at the special place he holds in the hearts of his people.

"I have come bearing an olive branch and a freedom fighter's gun. Do not let the olive branch fall from my hand." Yasser Arafat is famous for these words, and it was with this spirit that he led his people. He became and will remain a powerful symbol of the Palestinians' struggle for statehood. Arafat, in the eyes of perhaps all Palestinians, is a great man, a freedom fighter, and a spiritual leader.

Khalil, a Jerusalem Resident,said,"He is the leader of the Palestinian people since a long time, more than 40 years. He is the one who established the Palestinian organization, the PLO (Palestine Liberation Organization). He is the reason for putting the Palestinian case in the International community and the United Nations."

Palestinians living abroad share their compatriots' feelings.

Mohammed Hussain of the New York Muslim Community said,"It is a bad thing because he did a lot of things to help us and I think we are going to be waiting for a long time to get a leader same of Arafat."

Arafat played a crucial role in Palestinian affairs. He is held in the highest regard by every Palestinian, and to this day, there is not one who can replace him in this sense.

Ma xiaolin, Mideast Expert & Chief Editor of Globe Magazine of Xinhua News Agency said,"Arafat is the founding father of the Palestinian cause. He is not only the leader of the Palestinian National Authority, but also a spiritual leader to his people. Without Arafat, there would not have been a Palestinian authority. The concept of the Palestinian people didn't exist until Arafat began his fight for sovereignty. The people there were thought of only as Arabs. His role is irreplaceable in the history of Palestine."

The Palestinian leader escaped death several times during his life, walking away from a plane crash, assassination attempts and a serious stroke. He spent his life fighting for an independent Palestinian state, even when he was besieged by the Israeli army in his West Bank residence in Ramallah.

Given his importance, Arafat's death brings concerns that the Palestinians face a future of perhaps bloody chaos as they continue their struggle for statehood. Analysts believe his death has brought the peace process in the region to a crucial juncture.

Ma xiaolin said, "The Palestinians have lost a high-prestige leader with great influence. He was the core in the Middle east peace process. Whether his successor can make concessions that Arafat was unable to make and adopt a flexible position is an issue of worldwide concern."

Since Arafat left for France for medical treatment, Palestinians have gathered in their thousands across the West Bank and the Gaza Strip to show their support for their leader. When news came that Arafat was in a coma, his supporters mounted a vigil outside the hospital in Paris. He may now be lost to the world, but Arafat, as the hero of the Palestinian struggle, will live on in the hearts of his people.

Editor:Liu Hongji  Source:

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