
Palestinians mourn Arafat 11-12-2004 09:33

Tens of thousands of Palestinians crowded the streets of the West Bank and Gaza in a show of sorrow and determination to continue their late leader Yasser Arafat's struggle. But Israel hailed Arafat's death as the dawn of "a new era" across the Middle East.

An outpouring of grief on the city streets of the West Bank and Gaza. A tribute to the man who led the Palestinian people for four decades and was at the head of their aspirations for an independent state. Yasser Arafat died in a Paris hospital early Thursday.

Palestinian Prime Minister Ahmad Qurei said, "This is a very sad day for all Palestinian people everywhere."

Palestinian Parliament Speaker Rauhi Fattouh has been sworn in as temporary president of the Palestinian Authority. Under the law, he is to be caretaker president for up to 60 days, until elections are held.

Former Prime Minister Mahmoud Abbas was elected chairman of the Palestine Liberation Organization. Abbas is known for criticizing the violence of the Palestinian struggle over the past four years.

In Gaza, Palestinian militant groups Hamas and Islamic Jihad, with whom Arafat had differences in the past, vowed to continue his struggle.

Islamic Jihad leader Mohammed Al Hindi said, "We will be more united in Palestine. We will take responsibility to continue our struggle against the occupation and we will continue the way of Yasser Arafat."

Israel sealed off the West Bank and Gaza Strip and beefed up security at Jewish settlements, fearing widespread Palestinian riots in the coming days.

Officials say Arafat will be buried at his Ramallah headquarters, known as the Muqata. His coffin will be of stone, not wood, to allow his re-interment at a later time in Jerusalem, a request Israel has denied.


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