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[NBA瘋狂英語]波什環球旅行 攜愛子愜意享受夏季

發佈時間:2013年07月26日 17:28 | 進入體育論壇 | 來源:CNTV | 手機看視頻

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波什的兒子看起來很會享受夏天。(Chris Bosh’s son sure seems to know how to relax and enjoy his summer.)


我們並不清楚這張照片的拍攝地點,但我們知道阿德里恩(波什老婆)在社交媒體網站上發佈的“BoshFamilyWorldTour”(波什全家環球旅行)已經出現在西班牙、印度和意大利了,這樣的遠途旅行可能小傢伙吃不消。也難怪他在躺椅上開始休息並盡情享受這份碧水藍天和寧靜愜意。We're not sure exactly where the shot was taken, but we do know that what Adrienne Bosh has termed (for easy social media following, doy) the #BoshFamilyWorldTour has already hit Spain, India and Italy, which is an awful lot of traveling for a little guy. No wonder he decided to take advantage of the peaceful, chilled-out atmosphere provided by the clear sky, the mountains and the water and just conk out on that lounge chair. 

爸爸説:“你還沒到15個月的時候,就開始試着讀弗雷德里克的《方向和力量:日本戰略的秘密》”這小鬼真愜意。Dad says. I mean, yeah — you try reading "The Way and the Power: Secrets of Japanese Strategy" by Fredrick J. Lovret before you turn 15 months old. Cut the kid some slack, Chris. Geez.

☆The shot是照片的意思,shot本身的含義如下:n. 發射;炮彈;射手;adj. 用盡的;破舊的;雜色的,閃光的;v. 射擊(shoot的過去式和過去分詞)。

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