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China issues policy paper on Latin America and the Caribbean


11-24-2016 12:13 BJT

Full coverage: Xi Visits Ecuador, Peru and Chile, Attends APEC Summit

Just after President Xi wraps up his third Latin America tour, China issues a policy paper on Latin America and the Caribbean. It's the second of its kind, eight years after the first one came out. Let's find more about the latest policy paper.

To summarize experience and draw a blueprint for future relations.

The paper clarifies China's Latin America and Caribbean policy in a new era in four parts.

First, it highlights the region's strategic significance to China. Latin American and Caribbean countries are important members of emerging economies and the developing world. The paper calls the region a rising force with huge development potentials and bright prospects in the global landscape.

Then it reviews China's relations with Latin America and the Caribbean since the founding of People's Republic of China in 1949. Relations between the two sides are assessed in a new stage of comprehensive cooperation, with frequent high-level exchanges and political dialogues, all-round and rapid development in trade, investment, finance and other areas, and increasingly close cultural and people-to-people exchanges, as well as mutual support and close coordination in international affairs. And the establishment of the Forum of China and the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States in 2014 has provided a new platform for cooperation.

So, China seeks to bring the partnership to new heights. The paper notes the new relationship have five features -- sincerity and mutual trust in the political field, win-win cooperation on the economic front, mutual learning in culture, close coordination in international affairs, as well as mutual reinforcement between China's cooperation with the region as a whole and its bilateral relations with individual countries in the region.

In the last part, the policy paper sets a course for strengthening cooperation in all fields including politics, economy, society, culture and people-to-people, international collaboration, peace, security and judicial affairs, as well as collective and trilateral cooperation.

Strenghtened and all-round cooperation between China and Latin America and Caribbean is to be expected.

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