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Exclusive interview with Erdogan: G20 Hangzhou summit will be a success


09-04-2016 18:37 BJT

Full coverage: G20 Hangzhou Summit

China took over the G20 presidency from Turkey this year. CCTV reporter Su Yuting spoke exclusively with Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan about the summit.

You once said the most important result of the G20 Summit in Antalya was a strong stance against terrorism by world leaders. But Turkey and many other countries are still plagued by sporadic terrorist attacks. How can we further cooperate on the anti-terrorism efforts?

"Terrorism can never be eradicated. Some countries have very strategic positions, that's why they have always been targeted. And some have very vast natural resources, which are feeding the appetite of the terrorists. There are double standards which we need to eradicate -- "calling this terrorist good and that terrorist bad", for example. So we have to declare once for all, that all terrorism is bad and all terrorism comes from an evil source. This is something we are going to fight for," said Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan.

Erdogan: Need to rid double standards in terrorism

The G20 has transformed from a crisis response mechanism to a global governance platform. How would you assess China's role in global economic governance?

"In the terms of global economic governance, China's role is very important -- with foreign currency reserves of 3.3 trillion dollars, with a trade volume of $2.3 trillion, and with a trade surplus of $590 million. I would say these are very marvellous results for the country's economy. And China has become the second largest economy after the US. Investment in the fields of IT, industry, and infrastructure are very much robust and prosperous. I believe that the G20 should mobilize its capability to draw the framework for the eradication of unemployment and elimination of poverty, So that the future of the world economy will be much brighter and more prosperous," said Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan.

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