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BRICS leaders meet on G20 sidelines

Reporter: Hu Chuqiao 丨 CCTV.com

09-04-2016 12:18 BJT

Full coverage: G20 Hangzhou Summit

It is the first day of this year’s G20 Summit in east China’s Hangzhou city. But before the official opening this afternoon, leaders from the five BRICS countries met to discuss how they can further their cooperation.

Chinese President Xi Jinping (C), Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi (2nd L), South African President Jacob Zuma (1st R), Brazilian President Michel Temer (1st L)and Russian President Vladimir Putin attend a BRICS leaders

Chinese President Xi Jinping (C), Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi (2nd L), South African President Jacob Zuma (1st R), Brazilian President Michel Temer (1st L)and Russian President Vladimir Putin attend a BRICS leaders' meeting on the sidelines of a summit of the Group of 20 (G20) major economies in Hangzhou, capital city of east China's Zhejiang Province, Sept. 4, 2016. (Xinhua/Yao Dawei)

President Xi Jinping welcomed his four counterparts, South African President Jacob Zuma, Brazilian President Michel Temer, Russian President Vladimir Putin, and Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi to the informal meeting.

The five leaders sat down for talks on how to further their cooperation, as well as discussions on regional and global issues.

Before their meeting, Xi said the rise of emerging markets and developing countries has been one of the most far-reaching changes in contemporary international relations.

“The BRICS countries are the champions of the emerging countries and developing countries. They are important members of the G20,” Xi said.

The Chinese president also called on the BRICS nations to play a greater role in international governance.

“We should follow the historical and global trends, strengthen coordination and cooperation, strengthen and build the two major platforms of BRICS and G20, and enable emerging markets and developing countries to play a bigger role in international affairs, and take a more advantageous position in global governance,” Xi said.

Prime Minister Modi chaired the meeting.

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