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Obama: US has the momentum to fight ISIL


04-14-2016 12:56 BJT

American President Barack Obama says the U.S. and its partners have the momentum in the fight against ISIL. Obama made the remarks at the Central Intelligence Agency headquarters, after meeting with national security advisers.

The Central Intelligence Agency is working with U.S. armed forces to push the Islamic State out of Iraq and Syria.

“We’ve seen so tragically from Brussels to Istanbul to Iraq where ISIL slaughtered children watching soccer, these depraved terrorists still have the ability to inflict horrific violence on the innocent to the revulsion of the entire world,” Obama said.

“With attacks like these, ISIL hopes to weaken our collective resolve. Once again, they have failed. Their barbarism only stiffens our unity and determination to wipe this vile terrorist organisation off the face of the earth.

“Today, on the ground in Syria and in Iraq, ISIL is on the defensive. Our 66-member coalition including Arab partners is on the offensive. We have momentum and we intend to keep that momentum.”

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