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Icelandic volcano ash emission less powerful

2010-04-22 08:05 BJT

STOCKHOLM, April 21 (Xinhua) -- There are no signs of a decreasing seismic activity under the Eyjafjallajokull glacier in southern Iceland, while the ash emissions have been considerably reduced, according to a government statement reaching here from Reykjavik on Wednesday.

"The ash composition has not changed, but its fluor contents has increased significantly. However, there is still no cause to believe that farm animals should be kept inside for the time being. A close watch will be kept he ashes' fluor contents," said Icelandic government in a statement.

The volcanic cloud is quite low and not visible on radars. The ash is not expected to reach an altitude of 6-7 km for the next few days, the statement said.

The ashes will continue falling on the area south and southeast of the glacier Wednesday and the ashes will start falling to the south-west Wednesday night. The wind is expected to be mild, it added.

It also stressed that the wind and a lessened ash emission will cause the ashes to fall near the eruption site. There is no cause to believe that the ashes will fall on the south-western regions of Iceland.

The Weather Bureau predicts that the ash will fall quite close to the eruption site for the next four days.

Editor: Zhang Pengfei | Source: Xinhua