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央視國際 2004年11月26日 14:12

  劉欣是中央電視臺的著名節目主持人,她出生在以香醋聞名的城市鎮江,從鎮江到南京,從南京到北京,她一路走來,本期人物 主持人劉欣

  劉欣,出生地, 江蘇鎮江,曾在南京大學英語系獲英語語言文學學士學位,主持節目 《環球了望》,《英語新聞》,《人物》。語言, 漢語、 英語、 法語。愛好 ,戲劇導演、 繪畫、 詩歌創作。





  很容易使觀眾們分心,而他們就不會專心聽我説話,而是不自覺地盯著我的眼鏡。所以我被迫買了這一副眼鏡,但我覺得在這點上,已經達成了一個妥協,就是我既戴著眼鏡,而眼鏡又能讓觀眾所接受 。




  It has been fifteen years since she first started studying English. And she has spoken and used English every day of that 15 years. This has been a long, dedicated learning process.

  劉欣從小到大都要求自己只要做了 ,就做最好的,就像當年她參加21世紀杯全國大學生英語演講比賽和世界英語演講比賽一樣,她毫不客氣地奪得了這兩個比賽的冠軍,使她有機會與電視結下緣分。

  From the time she was little until she grew up, Liu Xin had one demand for herself: that whatever she did, she would try to do her best.

  It was with this kind of determination that she won the championship in both the 21st Century Cup National Collegiate English Talent Competition and the International English Talent Competition. And her performance in these contests opened up a window of opportunity to appear on TV.


  Setting your goals helps you find your direction.

  Through her programs of the past few years, Liu Xin has won the favor of the audience, and at the same time has earned the approval of her colleagues.


  Aside from speaking several foreign languages, at her school Liu Xin was also a play director and did fashion design.


  Liu Xin’s husband is Turkish-German.

  He is an official at the United Nations, and often works overseas, and so the work of taking care of the child falls on her shoulders.
