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央視國際 2004年10月12日 10:45

  本期人物 愛華



  世界旅遊日 World Tourism Day

  蘇格蘭風笛 Scottish bagpipes


  Aihua's first trip to China was with her parents.

  For her, China was a very distant land.

  She couldn't imagine what life in this Asian country was like.

  Before she came to China,

  Her family spent a brief period of time in Japan, and during this time she had an interesting travel experience.


  Many people long for travel

  We can make many friends and enjoy beautiful scenery while traveling

  Travel helps us to relax completely

  Sometimes a single person, a single adventure, can make a certain place remain in our memory forever.

  蘇格蘭的湖光山色,古老的城堡,充滿蘇格蘭風情的格子呢和風笛,這一切仿佛是一個美麗的童話世界,在那裏旅行 ,愛華找到了一種心靈的慰藉,除了她身上流淌著蘇格蘭人的血液外,最重要的是那裏的風光,讓她的身心得到了真正的放鬆。愛華帶著自己甜蜜的心願,回到中國,並投入到新的工作中。

  The beautiful scenery of Scotland , ancient castles

  Scottish kilts and bagpipes are everywhere

  It's like a beautiful fairytale world

  Traveling in Scotland gave Ai Hua a kind of spiritual comfort

  Apart from the Scottish blood in her veins,

  It was the scenery there that brought peace to her body and soul

  She brought her dream back to China with her,

  And threw herself into her new work
