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央視國際 2004年09月23日 10:30

  艾萬 出生在上海, 12歲移居美國,畢業于美國南加州電影學院表演係(University of southern California)和美國Edge好來塢舞蹈學院

  曾在Rush Hour 《尖峰時刻》和成龍演對手戲,2002年回國出演電視連續劇《殺青》中的談天紫,並拍攝過化粧品,護髮用品,手機及啤酒的廣告 是一位頗受歡迎的演員和模特,曾被美國的一家雜誌評為 “全球最具異國風情女人海報模特”


  TV series 電視連續劇

  chase 追趕 追逐 追求

  idol 偶像 崇拜的對象


  Aiwan gradually mastered (got to master) English in the process of playing with her new classmates and friends. She turned into a slim and graceful woman from a lovely girl and began to plan her career towards entertainment circle. And what arouse her interests in it?


  SHAQIN let native audiences have some impression of Aiwan but she didn’t hit the iron when it is hot because she believes that a role which is suitable for her counts much more than many roles. She is approving her idea by her action and living a free life now which she is always chasing for.
