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央視國際 2004年06月24日 15:18

  本期人物 中央電視臺主持人歐陽夏丹


  punctual 嚴守時刻的 準時的

  reliable 可信賴的

  optimistic 樂觀







  愛好:英語 音樂 體育


  趙音奇:在英文當中,我們馬上要提到今天的這個關鍵詞,“守時”就叫作 punctual

  還有就是“可信賴的 值得信賴的”就是 reliable.So,Xiadan is a punctual and reliable person.

  夏丹是個守時的和值得信賴的人So,wish everybody could be as punctual and reliable as Xiadan.


  朱華: How do you study in BBI?


  歐陽夏丹:你知道我來自中國南方,我説話有一點口音,(剛開始入學的)那個時候,我很羞于在公共場合演講,但是我上大二的時候一切發生了改變,一年一度的北京廣播學院演唱比賽即將舉行。一天,我的老師在路上突然遇到我,他説:“學校的演唱比賽即將到來,我想你可以做比賽的主持人,你有信心嗎?我不知道他為什麼選擇我,因為那個時候我並不是我們專業裏最好的學生,但是這是個好機會,為什麼不試試?所以我回答,好,讓我試試,我將盡力做好。從那以後,我投入了我全部的精力去為那個主持工作做準備。我記得當我 表演,觀眾非常安靜,非常熱情,這給我很大的信心,這是我第一次站在學校的舞臺上,那個 夜晚,那個老師,我都無法忘記,從那以後,我相信我也行。

  You know I come from the sourth of the China,I am speaking with some accent,that time ,I am shyer to give the speech in the public,but since change when I was in two grades.you know the skill sing competition will be held BBI every year, one day ,my teacher met me by accidentally, , and he said, the school sing competition is coming up.I could may you could be a hostess,are you confidence,I don’t know what he chioce me,cause I am not a best student in my majoy in that time.but it is a good chance ,why not? So I answer,ok.let me try,I will do the best.after that,I put all my full time and energy to prepare for that.so I remember when I on the stage to performance the audience very quiet and very warm ,this give me much confidence.It’s the first time for me to come up to the stadge in the college,that night, that teacher ,I am so unforgettable.so from then on I believe it ,I can do it.

  would you like to say something in one sentence with this chance to our audience?


  It’s never too late to study something,smile to the life,work hard and work smiled.

