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央視國際 2004年02月26日 13:51


  生日:9月 24日

  座右銘:The test of a first rate of intelligence is to have two opposed ideas

  at the same time and still retain the ability to function.







  最喜歡的書:The Great Gatzby


  中共黨員,經濟頻道全新資訊節目<<全球資訊榜>>節目主持人。曾任中央電視臺英語國際頻道<<財經中國>>欄目主播, 主持過<<中國投資指南>>,<<英語新聞>>(CCTV News), <<環球了望>> (World Wide Watch), <<財經新聞>> (Financial Report)等欄目。曾對數百名國際商業界、經濟學術界及政界的領袖人物進行過專訪,包括美國微軟公司創始人及總裁比爾蓋茨、荷蘭皇家殼牌石油公司主席司徒慕德、國際貨幣基金組織總裁科勒、韓國經濟部長李憲宰、諾貝爾經濟學得主福格爾、美國聯合技術有限公司主席喬治大衛等。


  2001年,在瑞士達沃斯召開的“世界經濟論壇”(World Economic Forum) 年會上,芮成鋼被提名並授予“2001全球明日精英”(Global Leade for Tomorrow) 稱號。

  2002年,在美國美中關係委員會(National Committee of US-China Relations)發起的首屆“美中傑出青年論壇“(US China Young Leaders Forum)上,芮成鋼又當選為首批24名“美中傑出青年”之一。

  同年,應中歐國際商學院(CEIBS)和歐盟寶馬基金會(BMW Herbert Quandt Foundation)的邀請,在首屆中歐傑出青年論壇(China Europe Young Leaders Forum)上,他再度被評選為“中歐傑出青年”


  在外交學院(Foreign Affairs College)主修國際經濟專業。 98年經選拔,代表外交學院參加國內英語最高賽事—“21世紀杯”全國大學生英語演講比賽,獲全國第二名。同年代表中國赴倫敦參加“1998倫敦國際演講比賽”(1998 International Public Speaking Competition) 擊敗來自美國,澳大利亞等國選手,獲第四名,為當年亞洲選手最好成績。

  在外交學院期間,負責接待來校訪問的各國政要並與之對話座談。曾與美國眾議院議長金裏奇,烏克蘭總統庫其馬,聯合國秘書長加利,韓國總統金大中,以色列總理佩雷斯,法國總理諾斯潘,美國參議員/駐華大使尚慕傑,華盛頓郵報主編羅伯特 凱澤,美國參議院幕僚代表團,羅馬尼亞駐華大使等進行過激烈的對話與討論。



  作品曾多次被CNN等外國電視臺轉發,同時,一些經濟評論也曾被“USA Today” “World Link” 等西方主流媒體引用,轉載。




  經濟信息聯播 經濟半小時 伊拉克局勢之夜



  Profile of Mr. Rui Chenggang:

  Rui Chenggang is Director and Anchor of BizChina, the prime-time daily business show on CCTV International. The show that he hosted include: CCTV News, World Wide Watch, China Business Guide, BizChina, etc. He has also conducted face-to-face interviews with hundreds global business leaders, economists and officials, including Bill Gates, Chairman of Microsoft, Mark Moody-Stuart, Chairman of Royal Dutch/Shell, Horst Kohler, Managing Director of the International Monetary Fund, Lee Hun Jai, Minister of Finance & Economy of the Republic of Korea, Robert Fogel, 1993 Nobel Prize Laureate for Economic Science, George David, Chairman of United Technologies, Henning Kagermann, Chairman & CEO of SAP, Klaus Schwab, President of the World Economic Forum etc. In 2000, he joined the newly-launched CCTV's English Channel-CCTV-9,the first and the only 24hr, news-oriented international TV channel of China.

  Rui Chenggang is also a columnist of Beijing Youth Daily, the most widely read newspaper in Beijing. In his personal column, he writes about his reflections and comments on the latest business and economic events and his interviews and experiences with leading minds and figures in the global business, academic and cultural arena.

  Rui Chenggang sits on the board of China National Symphony Orchestra. He has also been invited to teach international journalism at China's Central Academy of Drama.

  In 2001, Rui Chenggang became the youngest research fellow of the Development Research Center of the State Council. He is also a veteran speaker and moderator of important international and national business and economic summits, such as the Annual Meeting of the World Economic Forum, China Investment Forum, China Business Summit, Annual Meeting of Canada China Business Council, etc.

  In 2001, Rui Chenggang was awarded "Global Leader for Tomorrow 2001", by the World Economic Forum, at the Annual Meeting of the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland.

  In 2002, he was selected as one of the 24 founding fellows of the US-China Young Leaders Forum, organized by the National Committee of US-China Relations. Also in 2002, at the invitation of China Europe International Business School and BMW Foundation, Chenggang became a founding fellow of the Inaugural China Europe Young Leaders Forum.

  Currently, Rui Chenggang also serves as the Deputy Secretary-General of China International Research Association of Transnational Corporations and the Organizing Committee of the World Economic Development Initiatives.

  Unforgettable moment:

  Successful walking back home all by myself when I was still in Kindergarten

  Passing the College Entrance Exams without ending up in hospital

  Failed the calculus final in college, have been having nightmares of that until today

  First time being hailed as a great karaoke singer

  Found out my dog was the biggest fan of Madonna in China

  First time anchoring business show on CCTV International, with the make-up that resembles Dracula and the hairstyle of a highway bandit

  First time interviewing a senior business leader, the Chairman of Royal Dutch/Shell, Sir Mark Moody Stuart, pretending to be as old as he was.

  Finally understanding the essence of new institutional economics, thanks to Prof. Douglas North

  Receiving the award of Global Leader for Tomorrow in Davos, Swtizerland, from Prof. Schwab

  The successful fundraiser for Project for the Blind, Tibet

  My boss telling me he is quite happy with the launch of the new BizChina Show.



  • 芮成鋼個人主頁 (2004/02/26/ 15:03)