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央視國際 2004年02月09日 15:08

  1:I remember after I joined the army, the first year, we went to the China and Vietnam border, in Yunnan province. That place is a very poor place. After performance, a lot of soldiers around me ask a signature or took photo together. Suddenly one guy, very young, he stood besides me and gave me like this (敬軍禮的姿勢)。Even now if I think of the words also make me very excited. Even after many years. That soldier told me : “ 國慶大哥,你回去告訴軍委的首長,告訴全國的老百姓,我站在這裡一定好好地站崗,讓你們放心!”So when I heard that kind of words, really made me very moved. My heart is like this (怦怦直跳 ),I was so excited. Before (this), I think that kind of words is not true. Maybe that kind of words is only for the performance or some journalist writing articles. It is not true. But that time I knew that was true, that was really true. I am very proud of them and I think that stage, I can sing , whole my life I can sing for them.

  2: The TV teaches me how to speak English. At that time, the most famous TV program is FOLLOW ME,That program is very good. I hate books, I don’t want to read the book and remember the grammar. And I think that is so boring. (That) make me think it’s so hard. I have to remember some grammar something like that. But FOLLOW ME is very fresh. The “teacher” is not a teacher. He or she is an actor or actress. I think that is a very good way , very new way for people to study English.
