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央視國際 2003年11月14日 10:06


  跳房子 hopscotch

  專輯 在泛指唱片的時候我們一般用record這個詞,也指原來那種黑色的唱盤。要是表示某一張專集的時候要用album,比如,my new album

  年輕人 年輕人不僅可以用YOUTH表示,可以用Youngster 和Young People表示,還可以用teenager來表示。

  夢 “夢”叫做dream “噩夢”叫做nightmare 。


  關於繪畫 油畫oil painting或者説Western painting, 國畫traditional Chinese painting,素描sketch,等等


  我非常幸運在去年的時候去了一趟瑞典,去參加一個活動 叫做 GLOBLE CITY GLOBLE YOUTH。那是一個為全球青年人舉辦的一個活動。有一個來自哥倫比亞的男孩叫Pablo,他想成為一個電影導演。因為去那裏的每一個人都很有意思,我們過的非常愉快。我們到市中心的一個叫LOVER的地方,做一些演講,探討一些話題,過的非常的愉快。

  Last year I was very lucky that I had a chance to go to Sweden, to attend an activity called GLOBLE CITY ,GLOBLE YOUTH, hold for young people all over the world. There was a boy called Pablo, who wanted to be a film director. Cuz everybody were interesting, we had a very good time there. We go to the centre of the city called LOVER, there we made speeches, talked about some topics and we really had a good time.


  They spend everyday with me. I often talk to them, they are my best listeners. Every time I talk to them, they will listen carefully, they will never get tired. Sometime we communicate in a different way. And I even dream of them. I dream they speak to me and play games with me. They are my best friends.


  As you know, I’m now a student in college. And I think life in college is much different from in high school. In college, your parents are not with you. You have to arrange your time, arrange your life. You need to learn how to get along with others, with your teachers, your classmates, and especially your roommates. In college you have a lot of free time to do the things you really want to do. When I decide to do something, I just put myself totally into the things that I’m doing.
