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央視國際 2003年11月15日 14:52

  一:Feihong Yu was growing up in Hangzhou, a beautiful city besides the Xi Lake. Both of her parents are engineers. Nobody could ever imagine that Feihong was selected by a director of a film when she was at her eight. Therefore, “Banboo” became her first movie. Since then, movie has become a part of her life. Spontaneously, Feihong chose Beijing Film Academy when she was eighteen. She always says that movie has chosen her rather than she chose the movie.

  二: 英文的英雄人物和反面人物的説法是:最口語化的是:a good guy 和 a bad guy.還有更專業、更正式的説法是 heroic figure(英雄人物) villain(壞人),那麼主角和配角分別是leading roles 和supporting roles。

  三: I think first made an America movie ,It's called 《喜福會》.That was the first time that I went (to) the USA.I was still in the Film Academy. So it was a very good experience of making quality films with a bunch of professionals, but that experience make me think that English is a skill for modern youngsters to have, not only that you can speak with the foreigners think to having a skill of speaking foreign language makes you more open minded and you can see a lot, see more, you can learn more, you can know more.

  四: When we watch TV or movie, we see a lot of fabulous things and interesting stories but actually making a movie making TV series, It's quite boring. They everyday works long hours and every shot you have to take it may be over and over again and a lot of times, We wear winter clothes in summer time, wear summer clothes in winter time. It happens all the time. So it's a hard work, so you have to put a lot of effort into it.
