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央視國際 2003年10月31日 11:33












  Their personal names mean ‘auspicious’ and ‘happiness’ respectively. The parents hope that these names will bring good luck to the twins. Sun Ji and Sun Xiang have been good at sports from childhood, and this talent probably comes from their father, who is a physical education professor at the University. Sun Ji and Sun Xiang were sent to learn to play football when they were 7 years old. At first, the purpose was to strengthen their physique and later they gradually became interested in playing football. Sun Ji and Sun Xiang became professional trainees when they joined Shanghai 02 football club in 1995. They became main players soon after they joined Shanghai Shenhua SVA football club in 2002. Sun Ji and Sun Xiang have played football in both the Chinese National Youth team and the Chinese Olympic team. Last year, they played in the National Top A professional League. Their ability and technique have improved greatly.


  Because of their healthy-looking figures, Sun Ji and Sun Xiang became image ambassadors for the Coca-Cola Xinmin Evening football match. They were also the image ambassadors for Shanghai Sports Channel and Shanghai’s bid for EXPO 2010.

  Sun Ji and Sun Xiang are modest and kind-hearted. They also care about public welfare. They hope to raise awareness within society towards those people who really need our help.

  Zhou Zhiyin is a 14-year-old boy. He is very good at playing football and so was recruited by Shenhua football school. Sun Ji and Sun Xiang are Zhou’s favorite football players, as his birthday is the same day as theirs. But Zhou’s father became ill and his mother was laid off from work. His family cannot afford the fees demanded by the football school.

  After finding out about this, Sun Ji and Sun Xiang went to Zhou’s home and sent him some birthday presents. Zhou Zhiyin was very happy to meet his idols. Sun Ji and Sun Xiang also passed on some good news to Zhou - Shenhua football school had waived the tuition fee.






  We began to play football when we were 7 years old. We grew up in 02 football club and then in 2002 we joined Shanghai Shenhua Football Club.

  我們小時候看國外的比賽,一些世界級球星進完球之後都有自己的一套動作。我也給自己設計了一套飛翔的動作,到目前為止,我只在去年的亞運會上做過這個動作。你們知道為什麼嗎?Because I am a defender, I have no chance to shoot.



  首先 我給大家介紹一下

  球門是goal 通常解釋為"進球"也可以







  像一般定位球 角球的話


  定位球就是free kick

  throw in 就是界外球的意思


  長傳是long pass




  在場上 陣型有很多種




  (吉)Among the football players, I like Ronaldo. I admire his great talent, especially his feelings in the penalty box to make shooting. Another one is Figo, he is a very good right side midfield. And I play the same position as him. So I think he is a very good example for me to learn. I think they are the best players in the world.






  (吉)For the reason of playing football, I have no time to study English after high-school. But I bought a lot of books and tapes and study English by myself. I have no teacher, but I never gave it up, because in my heart, I really love it. I began to learn English 3 years ago. I learned it first, and then Sunxiang did it also. At that time, I think English is very interesting, and it will be helpful in my future. So I made up my mind and try to learn English better.


  (祥)I get up very early everyday. It took me 20 minutes to recite some new words. Every night, I will review these new words again. I think it is a good way to study English. Learning English can open my eyes and mind. I can communicate with other people. What’s more, there are 3 important reasons for me to learn English. First, I want to play football in Europe club, in this way, English became a necessary tool. Second, if I do not play football in the future, I can do other thins. And third, Shanghai is a modern city, and it requires us to master a foreign language.


  I think it is very important for football player to learn English nowadays. It is not only a tool. In crucial time, it can help me. I remembered last year in Bahrein airport, it’s time for lunch, but we didn’t have a translator. We worked as translator for the team, and we bought a lot of Hamburgers. And drinks. Yes, and drinks. The feeling was so great. 沒錯,太有面子了。


  (祥)Zhou zhiyin is a boy, he is 14 years old. He has very good talent of playing football, and dreams of being a football star in the future. But his family can’t afford for the football school. After knowing it, we went to his home and gave him some books and a little economic support. Now, the Shenhua football school let him study for free and we are very happy to hear that. We hope he can study hard and realize his dream.


  (吉)I have a dream. Next year, I want to go to University and I want to learn something more. There are many famous Universities in Shanghai and I want to study in Shanghai Jiaotong University. There are many famous people graduated from there, and now I am preparing for that.

